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Why your foreign bank card isn't accepted in the Netherlands

If you've ever been to the Netherlands, you may have noticed that many stores have a "PIN-only" sign. This signindicates that only payments from a PIN debit card, usually from a Dutch bank, are accepted.From grocery stores and gas stations to public restrooms, you will likely be expected to pay using this method. If you dotry to pay for something using a credit card from your own country, there is a high chance that it won't be accepted.But why is this the case? Why are so many places in the Netherlands averse to credit cards when most other countries accept them without a problem?To better understand this phenomenon,you first need to know about how the Dutch view money.Debt-averseThe first thing you should know about Dutch culture is that they are known for being frugal. For instance, if you are going out to dinner with your Dutch friends or coworkers, expect to split the bill right then and there or to be sent a Tikkie(a digital platform that allows you to divvy up payments)as soon a...

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