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Woman reveals clever maxi pad trick for soothing a sunburn – it works best with a sports bra, fans say she’s a ‘genius’

THERE’S no pain worse than trying to wear straps over your sunburned shoulders.

One woman revealed the clever hack she uses to soothe her skin and prevent further discomfort.

A Reddit user shared the homemade hack she swears by to soothe her sunburns (stock image)[/caption]

In a Reddit post, user I_just_need_coffee demonstrated the simple style trick.

The poster came up with a DIY solution to her sunburned shoulders, which were causing her pain when she wore a bra.

Posing in a black sports bra, the woman revealed that she repurposed two maxi pads to make the fit more comfortable.

She soaked the pads in aloe vera before securing them to her bra straps.

While the pads provided cushioning between the straps and her irritated skin, the aloe vera worked to soothe the burn.

The medical experts at WebMD reported on the benefits of aloe vera in treating sunburns.

Aloe vera contains the natural compound aloin. Lab tests show that aloin has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits. 

‌”Other research shows that aloe vera is useful specifically for treating burns,” they explained.

“A review of four studies involving 371 people found that aloe vera is effective for treating first- and second-degree burns.”

According to the professionals, the ingredient can help soothe blisters and reduce redness and swelling.

Reddit users shared their thoughts on the hack in the comments section.

“Oh, you poor dear. Glad you found something to help. Now get thee to the patent office!” wrote one reader.

“Great idea! Hope it helps and you heal quickly,” said another social media user.

“That’s genius. I’m going to borrow that this summer,” commented a third person.

“Place a paper towel moist with white vinegar on the burn for 30 minutes, and in the morning its pain-free,” suggested another reader.

How does sunscreen prevent aging?

Dr. Michael Aziz, an internist and the author of the upcoming book The Ageless Revolution, explained how sunscreen prevents aging.

“Sunscreen protects your skin by acting as a barrier against harmful UV rays,” Dr. Aziz told The U.S. Sun.

“There are two main types of sunscreen ingredients: mineral and chemical.

“Mineral ingredients like zinc oxide and titanium dioxide form a physical shield, reflecting UV light away from the skin.

“Without SPF protection, your skin may develop uneven pigmentation in an effort to shield itself from the sun’s rays, leading to potential sun damage such as sunspots and premature aging.

“Using sunscreen is essential to prevent this and maintain healthy skin.”

“Damn, if that isn’t clever!” said another Reddit user.

Another reader was very thankful to come across the homemade hack.

“OMG, I have sunburn right now, BLESS YOU,” they wrote.

“I had the absolute worst sunburn on my shoulders on vacation. I couldn’t wear a bra or anything with straps. The pain was unreal,” said another person.

“That wasn’t my last shoulder sunburn so I’m prepared for the next time. Thanks!”

Reddit/ i_just_need_coffee
The woman showed her fellow Reddit users the DIY hack she used to treat her sunburn[/caption]

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