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How Buster Murdaugh’s Lawsuit May Be the Key to Solving a Murder Mystery

Photo Illustration by Erin O'Flynn/The Daily Beast/Getty Images

The alleged involvement of Alex Murdaugh’s only surviving son in the 2015 roadside murder of his former classmate has always been a lingering question mark on the infamous family’s tangled web of legal woes.

This week, Buster Murdaugh finally fired back, filing a damning defamation lawsuit against Netflix and others who produced documentaries and news articles that he says “irreparably damaged” his reputation by insinuating he was involved in 19-year-old Stephen Smith’s death. But his decision to sue the companies he says accused him of “committing a crime of moral turpitude” may also be the key to figuring out what happened in the still-unsolved criminal case.

“He is reigniting embers that were almost extinct, adding oxygen to it in terms of public interest,” Eric Bland, a lawyer representing the Smith family, told The Daily Beast. “Now, these media companies are going to fight tooth and nail to get new content. They want another season and Buster just handed it to them.”

Read more at The Daily Beast.

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