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New Video: Vegas Voters ‘Reside’ in Bars and Strip Clubs

Three cheers for Lauren Bowman Bis and her searing, yet entertaining, video on “voters” in Nevada.

Sunshine is the best disinfectant. Nevada’s unforgiving ultraviolet rays have plenty to purify in and around Sin City.

Bis — the Public Interest Legal Foundation’s communications director — guilelessly drives through the heavily Democrat deserts of greater Las Vegas. She searches high and low for voters registered with home addresses at a 7-11, a Walgreens, a Sonic restaurant, several bars, the UFC Performance Institute (a Mixed Martial Arts facility), a mortuary, and even vacant lots full of sand and cacti.

Surprise, surprise! None of these voters actually resides in those places, as Nevada law requires.

  • “Hi, my name’s Lauren,” Bis says at a Post Office in Pahrump, near the California border. “I’m looking for Michael Clark and Michael Woodford.”

“Hi. Don’t know,” a female postal worker replies.

“Okay,” Bis asks. “They don’t live here?”

The postal staffer responds: “No. No one lives here.”

  • “I’m looking for William Bidlack,” Bis tells an employee at Red Dragon Gaming & Spirits” on Vegas’ Sahara Avenue.

“No idea,” says the lady behind the counter.

Bis queries, “Okay, so he doesn’t live here?”

Wondering why this is unclear, the Red Dragon lady explains: “This is a casino.”

  • “Hi, I’m Lauren. I’m looking for William Sitton,” Bis announces at the Clark County Detention Center.

“William Sitton,” a uniformed officer recalls. “I know for a fact he was an inmate here.” The lawman states: “William Sitton passed away last year.”

These and many other systemic failures notwithstanding, state officials will spray mail-in ballots at imaginary people, in equally dubious places, all across Nevada. These phantom ballots likely will languish at these locations. How many will get scooped up, completed, and “harvested” by evildoers?

Who knows?

The November 5 election might be very close, as so many races have been lately. The White House could hinge on Nevada’s six electoral votes, as could control of the U.S. Senate and House. So, I asked one congressional candidate for his views on PILF’s video and the ominous problem it highlights.

My friend Drew Johnson is the Republican nominee for the U.S. House in Nevada’s Third District. He is an industrious and intrepid free-market activist, policy analyst, and opinion journalist whom I have known and admired since 2002. Johnson’s detailed reflections on this matter demand attention:

PILF’s video mentioned a voter who resides at a strip club in my district. I looked up the address. It’s a Larry Flynt’s Hustler Club, and the voter is still registered there, according to Nevada voting records. That one bogus vote could change the outcome of an election.

In 2022, I ran as a Republican for a seat on the Clark County Commission, the body that oversees elections for 73 percent of Nevadans. All seven commissioners have been Democrats since 2008. But on Election Night, I led by 2,900 votes. A week later, after several thousand late ballots trickled in — many without postmarks to prove that they were sent by Election Day, and others from voters residing at these bogus addresses — the county election department determined that I lost by 336 votes out of 107,182 cast.

The problem in Nevada is that during COVID-19, the Democrat state legislature passed a law to mail an absentee ballot to every active voter, whether the voter requested one or not. Beyond that, Nevada has no photo ID requirement to determine whether the person who completed and submitted the ballot is the actual voter. The only verification is a machine that judges whether the signature on the ballot envelope is authentic. Each county election chief can select the machines’ signature-verification sensitivity level. If it’s set low enough, nearly every squiggle qualifies as a valid signature, and every ballot gets counted, so long as it isn’t signed with an X or a straight line.

In 2022, 10 Clark County races were decided by fewer than 1,500 votes. Miraculously, Democrats won, and Republicans lost, all 10 of these races. This is either an amazing statistical anomaly or one hell of a lot of shenanigans.

I’m the Republican nominee for one of America’s most competitive U.S. House seats, and I know going in that my election will not be totally fair. My entire district is in Clark County, so which ballots are and are not counted will be decided by a bureaucrat hired by the all-Democrat County Commission. Will she clean the voter rolls before the election and remove the guy who supposedly lives at the strip club? Will she set the signature-verification levels so low that ballots with possibly forged signatures get counted? Will she let ballots potentially harvested from apartment-mailroom trash cans drift in, days after the election, without postmarks, and then get counted?

Sad as it is, my team and I assume that to win by one vote, we must secure 4,000 to 5,000 more actual voters than my opponent. It’s unfair, but when one party controls the system, and the courts refuse to step in, clean the voter rolls, and prevent illegitimate mail-in ballots from being counted, the system is stacked against us. Fortunately, if we do our jobs and turn out enough voters, we will win.

Unfortunately, the terms “too big to rig” and “outvote the cheat” are not responses to ridiculous conspiracy theories. They are the reality of how Republicans have to run their campaigns in Nevada.

With the Oval Office potentially in the balance, the time is now to end this nonsense.

Silver State leaders desperately need to obey the National Voters Registration Act of 1993 (AKA the Motor Voter Law). Under 52 U.S. Code § 205079(a)(4), state election officials “shall … conduct a general program that makes a reasonable effort to remove the names of ineligible voters from the official lists of eligible voters by reason of (A)

the death of the registrant; or (B) a change in the residence of the registrant.”

“Shall” means that Nevada authorities are legally obligated to get off their asses, stop breaking federal law, and get on with the vital business of cleansing election rolls of the unqualified, the relocated, and the deceased, as well as voters who do not actually live beneath craps tables and roulette wheels. Until America Makes Election Day Great Again, rather than suffer through Election Quarter, officials must assure that mail-in ballots reach only genuine, living, breathing, qualified voters at the residences where they fall asleep at night and awaken in the morning.

This is not a suggestion. It’s a statute. And, as Democrats never tire of saying, no one is above the law. This includes election officials from Las Vegas to Lake Tahoe.

PILF is suing to get this done.

“After years of failing to identify and fix commercial addresses on the voter roll, PILF has taken legal action asking a court to force Nevada election officials to investigate and resolve these improper addresses listed on the voter roll,” PILF’s video explains. “These commercial addresses must be investigated and fixed by election officials before 2024 ballots hit the mail.”

(Full disclosure: PILF represents your humble polemicist and three other plaintiffs in our federal lawsuit against New York City’s Board of Elections. We are trying to plunge a sharp, red-hot, 15th Amendment knife into the heart of NYC’s law that lets foreign citizens vote in local elections.)

Democrat authorities must halt their relentless malfeasance, follow PILF’s lead, and sanitize their soiled vote records already. Sunshine is the best disinfectant. Nevada’s unforgiving ultraviolet rays have plenty to purify in and around Sin City, starting with Nevada’s corrupt voter registry.

Many thanks to PILF and the disarmingly straightforward Lauren Bis and her video team. In just over six minutes, they showcase this festering boil in a manner that is, at once, amusing, enraging, and devastating.

Deroy Murdock is a Manhattan-based Fox News contributor.

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The post New Video: Vegas Voters ‘Reside’ in Bars and Strip Clubs appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.

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