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Makeup lover shares the ‘bullet hack’ that makes her cheap lipstick last hours longer – plus her three application tips

A MAKEUP fan has shared a trick that helps her lipstick last longer on her lips.

The makeup tip also helps improve the texture of the product.

A makeup fan shared a hack that helps her lipstick last longer (Stock photo)

Redditor Ellikilla shared the beauty hack in a post.

“I’ve always been a huge fan of the way bullet lipsticks look on me, but they would always come off so quickly,” she said.

She explained that a technique she discovered on social media changed how she applied her product.

“I recently saw a TikTok for a ‘Just kissed’ lip look where the creator rubbed her fingertip on a bullet lipstick and then smushed it all over her lips for a blurred look,” she said.

“I tried it, and one thing I realized that she didn’t mention was that it lasted SO much longer!

“I used a cheap L’Oreal lipstick that used to come off within an hour, and it made it [last] 3-4 hours this time – even through an order of fries and an iced coffee.

“The finish is incredible, too; it looks way more natural and delicate than when I put it on the traditional way.”

After trying out the technique with a variety of lipsticks, from drugstore to high-end, she confirmed that the results were the same across the board.

“I’ve tried it several times since with Mac, Nars, and UD lipsticks, and they all ended up lasting way longer,” she added.

She revealed the exact method she used to get the lipsticks to last as long as possible.

“I use my index finger and start in the middle and then work my way to the edges,” she explained.

“I go a bit over my lipline to cheat bigger lips and then use my pinkie to clean up the edges.

“I sometimes use a lip liner in a similar color to clean up the edges even more.”

Exercising care on application and paying attention to details, she added, helped the lipstick last even longer.

The finish is incredible, too; it looks way more natural and delicate than when I put it on the traditional way.

Redditor Ellikilla

“Putting a lot of pressure (really smushing the lipstick on) makes a difference for longevity,” she said.

Other makeup fans shared their own tips and tricks for longer-lasting lipstick.

“I like to do the double blot method to make my lipsticks last longer,” said one commenter.

“I just apply it from the bullet, put a folded tissue between my lips and press them into the tissue, reapply from the bullet, and blot with the tissue again.

“I feel like it makes a huge difference.

“Sometimes, depending on the look I’m going for, I’ll apply again after the last blot to add more shine and moisture.”

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