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Ben Carson Gets Called Out Over Trump's Ten Commandments Hypocrisy

Unsurprisingly, after 1:00 AM on Friday, in an all-caps Truth Social post, the pussy grabbing felon endorsed the (unfuckingconstitutional) Louisiana law requiring public schools, including colleges and universities, to display the Ten Commandments. CNN's Abby Philip talked to Ben Carson about that, and it got a bit awkward.

"Have you, for example, ever seen the Ten Commandments up at any Trump properties?" Philip asked.

"I haven't specifically seen them," a perpetually sleepy Carson said. "I don't know if they're there or not."

"Shouldn't they be?" Philip said.

"I wouldn't object to them being there," Carson said. "I don't object to them not being there."

"But I'm saying, if they're such universal, you know, tenants, why are they not up where, you know, former President Trump controls what happens?" she calmly shot back. "I mean, he owns those properties; he operates them. He could put them up. Shouldn't they be up?"

"Well, this is not about (former) President Trump," Carson said. "This is about what is happening to the moral fiber of our nation."

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