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Americans Celebrate Dobbs Anniversary With President Trump and Pro-Life Advocates

It was a weekend when thousands of patriots gathered in what we consistently describe as “the Swamp,” just a handful of weeks away from the Republican National Convention that will supercharge our election efforts to win this country back from a threat of Marxism like we have never seen before, and from the very hand of tyranny from which our Founders declared independence.

The speaker lineup likely included the person President Trump will announce as his running mate, and also included President Trump himself.

It was the Road to Majority conference, put together by the Faith and Freedom Coalition, led by Dr. Ralph Reed.

Events began on Thursday, June 20, when, on Capitol Hill, we heard from Senators Tim Scott, Lindsey Graham, and Ted Cruz.

Among the critical topics they addressed, all of them strongly affirmed our duty to defend the right to life. Lindsey Graham reminded us that this is not an issue we back away from, as individuals or as a party. It is, indeed, a winning issue.

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And Ted Cruz said that the reason we’re not winning more quickly – in fact, the group of people most at fault for the blood of over 60 million aborted babies – are cowardly pastors.

That’s one of the reasons why this year, along with having me speak at the Conference, Ralph Reed asked me to bring additional Catholic priests and deacons to be visible participants in the conference, to strategize together about how to activate the Churches, and to encourage all the other participants, who, to a person, long for more clear leadership by the Churches.

While it has been the case for years that I was the only Catholic priest visible at this conference, this time there were six additional priests and two deacons. All were approached in the hallways and meeting rooms by people young and old thanking them for being a hopeful sign of Church support.

Remember, it was not just the rockets’ red glare that birthed this country; it was the pulpits’ red glare, as patriot pastors preached the Word of liberty.

And it was the architect of the abortion industry, Dr. Bernard Nathanson, who said that he and his colleagues “would never have gotten away” with what they did, “if the clergy had been united, purposeful, and strong.”

That, indeed, is the cornerstone of my own ministry of Priests for Life.

And in my remarks to the conference, on a panel with Dr. Ben Carson, I said that sometimes the flock have to lead the shepherds. We cannot only rely on the traditional structures of the Churches led by the pastors; we have to form and participate in the special ministries, organizations and associations that we can create with other believers to pursue particular Kingdom goals, like the protection of the unborn.

We need movements, like the pro-life movement and its many organizations, in which we find the fellowship, nourishment and encouragement too often lacking in the institutional Church structures.

When asked on the panel how we are to address the abortion issue in this election, I pointed out three things:

1)           It is a winning issue. Polling like we recently did indicates that voters prefer, by 61-23%, a pro-life candidate who works to help moms have their babies rather than a candidate who supports abortion without restrictions (which is the Democrat position).

2)           It is a fundamental issue. The right to life is written into our Declaration of Independence. It is not a right that can ultimately be divided or diluted, protected only at a certain age, or in certain states rather than others.

3)           And it is an issue that demands honesty. The Democrats want to bring abortion front and center in this election and write it into state Constitutions. But abortion is the last thing they want to actually discuss. We have to demand an honest debate. Describe what you defend. Show the American people what an abortion is.

President Trump affirmed in his vigorous speech, delivered just hours before he went to Philadelphia for an evening rally, that in his Administration he would continue protecting innocent life.

He thanked, one by one and by name, including the three he placed there, the Supreme Court Justices who reversed Roe.

Notably, he talked about how the Biden Administration is throwing peaceful pro-lifers in jail, and he pledged to get them out as soon as he is in office, “on day one, immediately.”

He went on to say,

“We will rapidly review the cases of many political prisoners unjustly victimized by the Biden regime so we can get them out of the gulags and back to their families where they belong.”

Then, using one of the persecuted pro-life activists recently sentenced, Paula Harlow, as a symbol for all the rest of them, he declared, “Hold on, Paula! We’re gonna get you out of there!”

At the closing gala, Gov. Kristi Noem also sounded a strong and clear note about abortion, reminding the crowd that this issue is foundational, and we cannot soften on it or run away from it.

As our nation reached the second anniversary of Dobbs, I was proud to be with thousands of others in the company of the man who, above any other, made it possible. And as I prayed during the invocation at the gala, “We are not only working for victory; we are working from victory. Jesus Christ is Risen; death has been conquered, and we will proclaim, celebrate and serve the Victory of Life!”

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