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Government Policy Evaluation Saves Taxpayers’ Money and Cuts Waste

Monday 24 June, 2024

To cut waste, improve efficiency, and make sure every penny of taxpayers’ money is spent wisely, the UK Evaluation Society is calling on the next government to prioritise evaluation in all major policy making. As voters prepare to head to the polls on 4th July, people across the political spectrum are united by the pressing strain on public funds and services. Every year, the government spends billions of pounds of taxpayers’ money on policies supporting vital areas like healthcare, housing, policing, schools, and defence. Proper scrutiny and evaluation of these policies leads to better outcomes for taxpayers and communities across the UK.

Previous promises by the government to publish evaluation findings regardless of outcome are not always followed. Despite efforts to increase and promote the use of evaluation in policy-making, an HM Treasury report by the National Audit Office shows only 8% of government spending on major projects had evaluation plans in place, while 64% had no evaluation plan at all.

In their manifesto, the UK Evaluation Society is asking for the next government to commit to evidence-based policy making, a long-term evaluation strategy, greater transparency, and funding to build the capacity of the evaluation workforce.“For policies to be effective, efficient, and provide value for money, they must be properly evaluated, which is why we are calling on the next government to put evaluation at the heart of the policy-making process,” said Nick Posford, Executive Director of the UK Evaluation Society. He continued, “Objective evaluation tells us what works, what doesn’t, and helps cut waste and inefficiency in public services to ensure better use of public money and resources.”To secure better outcomes for society, it is critical that evaluation is made a priority by the next government.

# Ends #Media Contact: For further information or to arrange an interview, please contact Roo Cleland, Communications Manager, UK Evaluation Society, M: 07793 819629

The UK Evaluation Society was established in 1994 and is dedicated to advancing the practice and use of evaluation. As the leading professional membership organisation for evaluation, we aim to set the standard for evaluation practice in the UK. Our work supports advocacy, professional development, and promotes the vital contribution evaluation plays in society.


HM Treasury Report UK Evaluation Society Manifesto

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