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WATCH: CNN slaps gag order on Trump ahead of debates


Fox News host Jesse Watters says CNN is doing everything it can to prevent former President Donald Trump from getting an edge over Joe Biden this Thursday when the first presidential debate will take place.

"CNN just slapped a gag order on the Trump campaign, days before the debate. We knew Trump's mic would be muted during the debate, but we didn't know his campaign's mic would be muted before it," Watters said on his Monday night broadcast.

Watters was referring to an incident between CNN host Kasie Hunt and Trump 2024 National Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt, when Hunt cut Leavitt off from speaking and accused Leavitt of "attacking" her colleagues, because she mentioned Jake Tapper's constant comparisons of Trump to Adolf Hitler.

"You can go on CNN and lie about Trump – Russia, call Republicans racist Nazis, but you can't say Tapper's biased. If Jake's not biased, why is he celebrating Trump losing?" Watters asked before showing a clip of CNN host Jake Tapper celebrating Trump's 2020 presidential election loss, and blaming Trump for the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Watters stated NBC News reported that Biden has been "meticulously studying Trump" to best identify what would "get under his skin."

"Biden's goal Thursday is to make Trump snap. He'll be fighting dirty, every shot will be below the belt." Watters said, adding Trump will need to compose himself, respond calmly and not take any bait to erupt forcefully.

Watters stated Trump needs to make the debate solely about the American people.

Politico has reported there is a "feeling of depression" from fundraisers who are seeing their advantage disappear, after they allegedly wanted to "bury" Donald Trump in an "avalanche of cash."

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