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Learn to landscape for fire safety in the Bay Area: Letter to the editor

Re: “Temperatures soar as several fires smolder across the Bay Area, state” (June 22).

Just about three years ago, the sky above my house turned a haunting shade of orange, shrouded by the dust and debris from a roaring wildfire. This surreal and alarming experience sparked my curiosity, prompting me to research how every Californian can contribute to containing such overgrown flames.

In my search, the concept of fire-smart landscaping caught my eye. It suggests that homeowners can significantly enhance their garden’s resistance to wildfires by choosing the right plants and caring for them properly. However, if we step beyond individual efforts, our collective planting of fire-resistant vegetation, such as yucca and lavender, can create a powerful, large-scale defense against wildfire devastation.

This united approach can transform our community, making it more resilient and better protected against the relentless threat of wildfires.

Marco Li
Palo Alto

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