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Teacher Who Took Student Out of School for Secret Abortion is Fired

Teacher Who Took Student Out of School for Secret Abortion is Fired

Last week we reposted a story written by Cassy Fiano-Chesser that I assumed (falsely) everyone would agree with the decision to fire a New Hampshire teacher “after requesting sick leave, during which the teacher actually took a student to get an abortion”! Apparently the situation became public when Education Commissioner Frank Edelbut wrote  an April op-ed, “where he referenced […]

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Last week we reposted a story written by Cassy Fiano-Chesser that I assumed (falsely) everyone would agree with the decision to fire a New Hampshire teacher

“after requesting sick leave, during which the teacher actually took a student to get an abortion”!

Apparently the situation became public when Education Commissioner Frank Edelbut wrote  an April op-ed, “where he referenced numerous concerns expressed by teachers and parents alike,”  Fiano-Chesser reported

In the op-ed, he asked how the department should react “when, allegedly, an educator lies by calling in sick so they can take a student – without parental knowledge – to get an abortion. Should we turn a blind eye?”

The pro-abortionists say no, we shouldn’t. The teacher should at a minimum not be fired but in fact be praised for making a “tough decision.”

Under the headline “Protesters oppose NH teacher’s firing for allegedly taking student for abortion services,”  Erin Logan writes that “The firing of a teacher at the Regional Services and Education Center in Amherst has become a flashpoint in New Hampshire’s abortion debate.”

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At a packed reproductive rights event in Concord Monday, many spoke out in favor of the teacher, saying she was put in a tough situation.

“I feel like the teacher was just doing what they felt, as a human, and putting their job at risk,” said Maryrose Wainaina. “As a student, you go to your teachers cause you trust them.

The New Hampshire Department of Education says, “the teacher admitted to faking a sick day to take the student to have a medical procedure,” Logan wrote. “It also says the teacher assured she spoke to the student for more than two weeks about options and finding a safe facility.”

At the end of the story, Logan interviewed “counter-protesters at Monday evening’s pro-choice event” who “sounded off.”

“The teacher should not be involved with them, taking those kids to those clinics,” said Margaret Svedsen. “Medical procedures? You can’t give a kid an aspirin in school, and yet you can take them to have an abortion, which may have complications, and not tell a parent? No.”

“I think the teacher should be fired, and I don’t think she should ever get a job again,” continued Svedsen, who held an anti-abortion sign. Note: Dave Andrusko is the editor of National Right to Life News and an author and editor of several books on abortion topics. This post originally appeared in at National Right to Life News Today —- an online column on pro-life issues.

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