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Ask The Horse Doctor: Beware of free goat from Craigslist

Dear Dr. Vittoria: I recently got a free goat from Craigslist. I have always wanted pet goats but didn’t know where to start. The price was right, but he looks shabby. What should I know going forward? – Chancing it on the internetDear Chancing it: Well, the first thing I would say is maybe next time don’t get a goat from Craigslist. You say the price is right but there is no such thing as a free animal. Many goats have parasites, both internal and external; they need vaccinations, and regular hoof care. You need to make sure the animal is not sick. Reach out to a large-animal vet who treats goats.Unfortunately, it is a common story to hear about someone going to see an animal advertised and feeling sorry for it since it looks so pathetic. Often you are seeing someone’s neglected animal that they lost interest in. At least they are trying to find it a new and hopefully better home.Goats need vaccinations just like other animals. They typically get an overeating disease shot called Clos...

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