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Expert shares three easy ways to keep wasps away from your home this summer – including the £1 candle scent they hate

PESKY wasps seem to be just about everywhere during the hot summer months.

But that doesn’t mean you have to put up with them in your home and garden.

Wasps can be annoying to deal with in your garden and home this time of year[/caption]
Luckily there are a few tricks to keep them at bay[/caption]

An expert has shared the simple tips you can try to keep wasps at bay, and you don’t need to break the bank.

Jamie Jones, founder of Open Space Concepts, told “While wasps can set up nests around the exterior of our homes, it’s important to monitor your outdoor living space such as a garden room carefully, as these are often positioned next to nature, making it easier for wasps to gain access to these spaces.

“Typically, we don’t use these spaces as much as the main house, so it can often take longer to detect wasp activity in these areas too.”

Jamie’s tips to deter wasps include:


This natural method will keep wasps at bay, since they don’t like the strong scent certain plants give off.

He recommended planting mint, basil, rosemary, lavender, thyme and sage for the best results.

“These fragrant herbs have a strong scent that helps to keeps pests away, so consider planting these around your patio, garden rooms and other social spaces,” he explained.

Scents at entry points

Adding strong smells around doors and windows is another easy method to keep wasps away.

In addition to the plants previously mentioned scents including citronella, lemongrass, geranium and peppermint oils can also act as a natural repellent.

You can buy peppermint oil from most large supermarkets, or opt for a scented candle instead.

Citronella candles are available from Poundland for just 80p, as well as Dunelm for £3, making them a budget friendly option.

The pro suggested using a mixture of 10 t0 15 drops of peppermint oil with water to repel wasps.

Simply add the mixture to a spray bottle and spritz around the outskirts of your home.

Seal areas

Holes in your patio or pathways could indicate that there is a wasp problem, the expert said.

By filling these small spots you’ll stop them from using the holes as their nest and they should find somewhere else instead.

Jamie explained: “It’s also important to regularly inspect your home for any potential entry points.”

Keep pests out all summer

IF you want to ensure that your home is pest free this summer, here's what you need to know.

Hornets and wasps – hate the smell of peppermint oil so spraying this liberally around your patio or balcony can help to keep them at bay.

Moths – acidic household white vinegar is effective for deterring moths. Soak some kitchen roll in vinegar and leave it in your wardrobe as a deterrent.

Flying ants – herbs and spices, such as cinnamon, mint, chilli pepper, black pepper, cayenne pepper, cloves, or garlic act as deterrents.

Mosquitoes – plants, herbs and essential oil fragrances can help deter mozzies inside and out. Try eucalyptus, lavender and lemongrass.

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