News in English

Why am I devastated after my abusive partner died? 

DEAR DEIDRE: BEFORE he died, my partner made my life a living hell. 

He was abusive for years, and I thought I’d be happy once he was gone. But instead I feel consumed by grief and can’t stop crying. 

I’m 46 and my partner was 52 when he died of cancer, just over a month ago. 

We were together for 12 years and for much of it he treated me appallingly.

He would put me down, tell me I was ugly, stop me seeing friends and family and control my whole life – what I ate, what I wore, who I saw. 

It took me a long time to realise that he was abusive because my self-esteem was so low. 

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Two years ago, I started preparing to leave him – and that’s when he was diagnosed with bowel cancer. 

There was no way I could walk out while he was having treatment, so I felt I had to stay until he was better. 

But he didn’t get better.

Now he’s gone and I am so confused about my feelings. I miss him – even though I hated him a lot of the time – and I’m also angry.

And I remember nice things he said and did and keep feeling guilty that I almost left. 

I don’t have anyone I can talk to and nobody would understand. 


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DEIDRE SAYS: The complex mix of emotions you’re dealing with is absolutely natural. It’s a type of ‘disenfranchised grief’. 

While your partner’s death may be a relief as the abuse has ended, it’s still a loss, as you loved him.

You never got the chance to stand up to him or leave. 

Please talk to a counsellor. Try The Good Grief Trust (

My support pack about bereavement should help too. 

It might also be helpful to read my support pack, Abusive Partner and talk to one of the organisations listed. 

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