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Trump's weird war on EVs now includes attacking imaginary electric tanks

Donald Trump’s recent rambling about sharks vs. batteries has become such an incoherent mess that it’s hard to remember that this story, which has been a part of Trump’s rally speech for years, once had a point. The point was the batteries: Trump hates them, and he hates every form of electric vehicle that they might be placed inside.

Hating on batteries is Trump’s way of signaling his allegiance to fossil fuels. Trump has repeatedly said that electric cars can only “drive for 15 minutes” before they need to be recharged. In contrast, Trump says that a diesel truck—complete with an apartment you would be “proud to live in”—can drive across the nation without refueling once. 

The list of Trump’s EV lies was lengthy a year ago, but it just keeps growing. And like the shark vs. battery story, it keeps getting more bizarre. Now Trump is attacking the Pentagon for its electric tanks—a thing that absolutely, positively does not exist.

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