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Migrant smugglers will need a bigger boat if Keir wins – how will he send them back, a deal with Taliban? blasts Rishi

EVIL Channel people smugglers will “need a bigger boat” if Labour win the election in seven days’ time, Rishi Sunak warned last night.

In a bruising final head to head clash, the PM and Sir Keir Starmer traded angry blows on the crisis in the Channel – with the Labour boss left floundering at points on migration.

PM Rishi Sunak slammed Labour’s migrant plans[/caption]
But Sir Keir won a round of applause by saying ‘out of touch’ Rishi doesn’t listen[/caption]

The pair traded blows on migrants, ethics, Brexit and tax – with a spikey Sunak repeatedly warning voters “don’t surrender to Labour”.

In heated exchanges at the BBC, a pumped up PM leapt on claims by Starmer that he would send boat crossers back to the war torn Middle East.

He goaded the aspiring premier, saying: “Are you going to sit down with the Ayatollah, are you going to do a deal with the Taliban?”

Echoing Nigel Farage, Sir Keir hit back that the boats crisis in the Channel was a “national security issue”.

Brexit was also a point of contention during the debate – with Sir Keir branding the PM a “defeatist” for saying Britain could not negotiate a better Brexit deal with the EU without accepting freedom of movement.

The Labour chief added: “I did vote to remain, I campaigned to remain.

In tonight’s debate…

“But we left, we’ve left the EU. We’re not going back to the EU.”

Mr Sunak argued a new deal with Brussels would simply lead to  “free movement by the back door”.

He said: “All the things he’s talking about involve accepting more migrants, free movement by the back door.”

And by the end of the 75 minute clash, the PM was branded a liar by the man hoping to replace him in No10 next Friday.

There were barbs from the audience too, with one audience member Rob sparking gasps when he angrily asked the pair “is this the best Britain can do?”

A snap poll by YouGov had the viewers split 50/50 with no clear winner.

In one angry exchange Sir Keir hit back at Sunak: “If you listened to people in the audience across the country more often, you might not be so out of touch.”

Amid the wails of a Gaza protester outside, immediately Sir Keir and Mr Sunak were pressed on integrity in politics, amid the gambling scandal engulfing Westminster.

The PM reiterated he was “furious” and “frustrated” when he first learned about the allegations.

He added: “That’s why alongside the Gambling Commission, we initiated our own internal inquiries into what had happened as a result of that have suspended two candidates.

“I’ve been crystal clear anyone who has broken the law, broken the rules should not only face the full consequences of the law, I will ensure that they’re booted out of the Conservative Party.”

If you listen to people in the audience across the country more often you might not be quite so out of touch

Sir Keir Starmer

Meanwhile, Sir Keir Starmer hit back insisting the row is a “question of leadership” before slamming the Prime Minister about Partygate.

The Labour chief said: “The Prime Minister himself was convicted and fined for breaking the rules, which he brought in and imposed on everybody else.

“And of course, we’ve seen what happened with the Covid contracts or the huge amounts of money that were made.”

The PM received the fixed penalty notice from the Metropolitan Police after attending a lockdown-busting birthday gathering for Boris Johnson in 2020.

But Sir Keir was also questioned about his own integrity – as Labour was also dragged into the row earlier this week after it emerged Kevin Craig, who is running to become an MP in the Central Suffolk and North Ipswich seat, bet he would lose his bid.

Pressed on whether he was aware of other Labour candidates placing bets, Sir Keir said: “Well, I’ve made clear to my candidates what the standards are and they’ve seen by my actions, what the consequences are, if they fall short of those standards.”

Attacking the PM once again, Sir Keir went on to say: “The Prime Minister hides behind a process.

“He could have taken decisive action last week, even the week before, but he eventually got round to it when bullied by other people into doing it.

“That’s not leadership.”

Mr Sunak immediately hit back accusing Sir Keir of “not being straight” with voters about his plans to raise taxes.

He added: “I don’t think that’s leadership. I don’t think that people should surrender their family finances to the Labour Party.

“And that’s the choice for people at this election.”

If Labour win, the people smugglers are going to need a bigger boat

Rishi Sunak

The two leaders also traded blows on how to get people into work and off benefits, with Mr Sunak saying a Labour government would bring about a “higher welfare bill”.

He said he would deliver tax cuts, instead, with his “comprehensive plan” to “tighten the system”.

Sir Keir responded, telling Mr Sunak directly: “If you listen to people in the audience across the country more often you might not be quite so out of touch.”

The Labour chief also refused the welfare bill would be higher under his Government but simply said it “needs to come down”.

On taxes, he said: “The Prime Minister keeps saying he is going to cut taxes.

“He has raised tax 26 times. Nobody’s raised more taxes than this Prime Minister.”

The PM used Steven Spielberg’s classic Jaws to warn voters about Sir Keir’s migration policy.

He declared: “If Labour win, the people smugglers are going to need a bigger boat. Don’t surrender our borders to the Labour Party.”

Mr Sunak also questioned Sir Keir’s plan to “send people back” to the countries from which they are fleeing.

He said: “Where do you think these people come from? Iran, Syria, Afghanistan.

“So when Keir Starmer says he is going to return people, is he going to sit down with the Iranian Ayatollahs?

“Are you going to try and do a deal with the Taliban? It’s completely nonsensical.”

Nobody’s raised more taxes than this Prime Minister

Sir Keir Starmer

The PM stepped up his attacks on Labour’s tax plans, insisting voters can trust him because he was right when he warned people about Liz Truss’s economic policy.

He added: “Even if it wasn’t what people wanted to hear at the time. I was right then.

“And that’s why you can trust me now when I say his policies will mean all your taxes are going to go up by thousands of pounds.

“It is in their DNA, mark my words: your pension, your council tax, your home, your car, you name it, they will tax it.

“Which is why he cannot rule out raising your taxes, he’s been asked multiple times, will he change the council tax band, he won’t rule it out.”

The PM gave the Labour leader another bloody nose as accused his party of running “out of everyone’s money” in response to a question about council finances.

Sir Keir declined to say there would be more cash to local authorities under his party but insisted there would be “better use of existing money”.

He went on: “I’m not going to stand here and say there’s some magic wand that I can wave the day after the election and find money that isn’t there.

“Huge damage has been done to our economy. It is going to take time. That’s why our is a manifesto for growing.”

Meanwhile, the PM said he would continue to work with councils to provide them with the support they need.

He added: “But you mentioned Nottingham, and that is a glimpse of the future. Nottingham City Council bankrupt under Labour.

“Birmingham City Council… not just bankrupt, but as a result, everyone in Birmingham is now paying a 20 per cent higher council tax bill.

“And that is a snapshot of what will happen if Keir Starmer is in power and across the country as Labour always do, they run out of everyone’s money.”

He’s now openly admitting the damage that the Tories have done to the economy – and saying, please vote for him

Sir Keir Starmer

The two leaders also clashed on trans rights and the protection of women-only spaces – with Mr Sunak accusing Sir Keir of not being sure “sex means biological sex”.

Sir Keir responded, to cheers: “What I will also say is that I do recognise that there are a small number of people who are born into a gender that they don’t identify with.

“I will treat them as I treat all human beings with dignity and respect.

“I’ll tell you why because if you don’t, you end up with the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom standing in Parliament making an anti-trans joke in front of the mother of a murdered trans teenager.

“I will never, ever allow myself to be put into that position.”

Mr Sunak replied: “That’s not what I did. I was pointing out that you changed your mind on this question multiple times.”

Harry Potter author JK Rowling doubled down his attack on the Labour leader – after she accused him of abandoning women last week.

The women’s rights activist did not seem impressed with Sir Keir’s position, hitting out on X: “It’s very important that we protect women’s spaces… but men can also be women, says the Labour leader.

“My postal vote is literally lying next to me. I wanted to wait to hear what Keir Starmer said tonight to fill it in.”

Analysis by Ryan Sabey

By Ryan Sabey

Rishi Sunak came out swinging on tackling illegal immigration – demanding to know if Labour would do a deal with the Taliban.

The Prime Minister took Sir Keir Starmer to task on stopping small boat Channel crossings and how to send back rejected asylum seekers.

He called out his opponent on how he would make deals with the Taliban in Afghanistan or Iran’s leaders to send migrants from those countries back.

The PM needed a big performance on the night to shore up his core support and claw back Tories who have switched to Reform.

He said: “Will you sit down with the Ayatollahs? Are you going to try to do a deal with the Taliban?

“It’s completely nonsensical – you are taking people for fools.”

The PM received a round of applause when he said illegal immigrants would be “out on our streets” under a Labour government.

Sir Keir pointed out that record numbers of migrants are crossing the Channel in small boats under the Tories.

A senior Tory source last night said: “Sir Keir folded like a deckchair when it came to immigration.”

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