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A Culinary Voyage: 6 Must-Try Dishes in Mauritius

Listly a culinary voyage 6 must try dishes in mauritius headline

A Listly List - Mauritius, a tropical paradise west of Africa, is home to an immensely diverse culinary scene. Influenced by African, Indian, Chinese, and European flavours, Mauritian cuisine is a blend of spices, fresh ingredients, and bold combinations. Beyond the stunning beaches and natural wonders, a true Mauritian adventure awaits your taste buds. Explore the[ top restaurants in Mauritius]( and try these 6 essential dishes, including snacks and drinks, on your Mauritian vacation. - Pineapple & Chilli Salt, Boulettes (Mauritian Dumplings), Gateaux Piment (Chilli Fritters), Mauritian Cari, Vanilla Tea, and Rougaille

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