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Ramaswamy credits Trump for taking CNN debate rules in stride


Businessman Vivek Ramaswamy at the second Republican presidential primary debate in Simi Valley, California, Wednesday, Sept. 27, 2023.

Vivek Ramaswamy, the tech entrepreneur and former Republican Party presidential candidate, is giving Donald Trump a lot of credit for taking CNN’s presidential debate rules in stride and agreeing to show up – despite the abundantly evident bias from CNN in favor of President Joe Biden.

Ramaswamy took to X to share a clip of him speaking with CNN host John Berman.

"I give him [Trump] a lot of credit for doing this debate on the terms that were effectively set by Biden. Hosted by CNN in Atlanta without a live audience would be the equivalent of Joe Biden agreeing to do a Fox News-hosted debate in Alabama with 3,000 live audience members," Ramaswamy told Berman in the interview.

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"If you’re gonna lead the country, you gotta show up, and that’s exactly what he's doing," Ramaswamy said of the former president.

In the full interview, Ramaswamy told Berman he wanted to avoid talking about any specific policy discussions he has had with Trump, but stated that he thinks the debate could be good for America if it's done the right way.

"What I will say is my impression is Donald Trump is prepared on his own two feet for this debate. My best advice to him is – be yourself,” Ramaswamy said.

Ramaswamy has been named as a possible running mate for Trump this coming election, as has U.S. Sen. J.D Vance and North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum. It is also rumored that Trump will announce his running mate at the first debate.

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