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Top 100 Websites Ranking for Classifieds in the USA – TechGlobal360

In an increasingly competitivedigital marketinglandscape, it is common for marketers to look back as well as ahead. Where innovation may offer a competitive edge, so too may the tried-and-tested methods of the past in new contexts. This is what classified ads serve today; they provide a classic form of advertising in new, digital wrappings. But getting started is no easy task. Classified ad websites are local by nature, and there’s an almost intimidating abundance of options available. With this in mind, let us outline the top 100 websites ranking for classifieds in the USA and then explore the top 10 among them.What are classified websites?First, to briefly demystify the term and explore its history, classified advertising is indeed nothing new. InThe Advertising Age Encyclopedia of Advertising, authors John McDonough and Karen Egolf trace its roots to 1763.Unlike its colloquial meaning, the term doesn’t refer to well-kept secrets; on the contrary. Wikipedia explains that “classified...

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