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Faith, church, family inspires Kevin Costner's newest film


(CROSSWALK) – Oscar-winning director and actor Kevin Costner recently shared how faith shaped his upcoming film “Horizon: An American Saga.” “Faith is what guided people out there to the unknown,” Costner, 69, told The Christian Post. “They just leaned on it. There was this promise, but the promise was not enough. You had to go on faith. And people brought the religion with them west.”

“I grew up a Baptist, and church has always been a part of my life. ...So, I don’t mind it bleeding into a movie,” the actor said. “I don’t force it in. But when I think about why people went west when they said goodbye to people back east, they never saw them again; there was some kind of trust that people needed to lean on because they were often in situations where they didn’t even know what they were doing. They were out of control; they needed faith.”

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The three-hour film, the first of a four-part series, stars Costner, Sienna Miller, Sam Worthington, and Luke Wilson. The first installment will be released in theaters on June 28, and “Horizon: An American Saga – Chapter 2” will be released on August 12. The third film is slated to be released in 2025.

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