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European nation becomes 1st country to offer bird flu vaccine


Only 11 people contracted it in the entire WORLD

(OUTKICK) – On Wednesday, Finland announced that it is going to become the world's first country to offer bird flu vaccinations. The preemptive vaccine will begin being rolled out next week and will initially go to those who work with animals. The move comes as the H5N1 strain, also known as the bird flu, has killed millions of poultry and birds and has started spreading to other animals such as cows, especially here in the United States. A look into the details, however, shows something peculiar – there are hardly any bird flu cases whatsoever in humans.

In fact, only 11 people contracted it in the entire WORLD – including 5 in Cambodia alone. The United States has had 3 positive cases – believed to have been from direct contact with an infected cow.

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Even the World Health Organization can't cover up just how rare the bird flu is, reportiing that from January 2003 to May 2024 there have been only 889 cases of human infection with the bird flu.

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