News in English

India imposes anti-dumping duties on three Chinese products

India on Thursday imposed anti-dumping duties on three Chinese products including hydraulic rock breaker with an aim to protect domestic players from cheap imports.

These duties were imposed following a recommendation by the commerce ministry's directorate general of trade remedies (DGTR), which has concluded in its probe that dumping of these goods are impacting domestic industry.

The DGTR held investigations after complaints were filed by domestic players on the dumping of these goods.

The department of revenue has notified these duties in three separate notifications.

On hydraulic rock breakers, the duty ranged between 4.55 per cent and 162.5 per cent of CIF (cost, insurance, freight) value in US dollars. The duty was also imposed on these goods coming from Korea.

These breakers are used in the construction and mining industry for carrying out demolition, excavation, mining and boulder breaking activities.

"The anti-dumping duty imposed (on these breakers) ...shall be effectiv

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