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Joe Biden’s Voice Sounds Horrible at the Debate

The 81-year-old president has been croaky and faint.

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President Joe Biden had essentially one job coming into debate night against Donald Trump in Atlanta: To convince Americans that he is healthy and energetic enough at 81 to serve instead of his 78-year-old opponent. Through the early stages of the debate, it was not going great.

Biden came out in his opening statement offering a message that his administration is driving an economy with millions of new jobs that is taking a bite out of inflation. He also reminded Americans of the many crises the nation was facing at the end of Trump’s administration, when the then-president was advising Americans to inject bleach as a COVID defense. But as Biden offered his pitch to voters, he sounded quite raspy, undermining the case that his campaign needs to make this year — that he has what it takes to lead the country for four more years.

According to NBC News, the president has a summer cold — though it’s a little unusual that the Biden team wouldn’t broadcast that until halfway through the debate:

Setting his arguments aside, Trump sounded fairly clear and concise — a surprise for those who have been paying attention to his rallies this month. Eventually, though, the old Trump made his ways known:

Perhaps during the commercial break, the president can get a lozenge.

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