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A lot less rainbow in stores this Pride month

June marks Pride month, when folks across the world celebrate the LGBTQ+ community. But this year, brands seem to be taking a back seat on Pride marketing. That’s despite the fact that a significant chunk of Gen Z identifies as LGBTQ.

“I think the fact that brands are intentionally skirting around Pride this year sends a really strong message that, ‘we don’t care about you,'” says Evie Smith Hatmaker a freelance communications consultant and the communications director at Do the WeRQ, a queer marketing organization.

“Marketplace Morning Report” host Nancy Marshall Genzer spoke with Smith Hatmaker about the slowdown in Pride marketing this year. The following is an edited transcript of their conversation.

Nancy Marshall Genzer: A Gallup survey found that around 20% of Gen Z respondents identified as LGBTQ. Brands need to be aware of that, right?

Evie Smith Hatmaker: Absolutely. I mean, the buying power that Gen Z already has and is going to have is undeniable. I think the fact that brands are intentionally skirting around Pride this year sends a really strong message that, ‘we don’t care about you.’

Marshall Genzer: Yeah, there was an Ad Age report recently, and it said Pride Month marketing is down this year. Why is that?

Smith Hatmaker: It’s a really good question. I mean, brands are just not doing Pride this year. I think most of the Pride campaigns that you are seeing are organizations like the Trevor Project or brands that are very, very queer in nature already are advertising within the community.

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