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You Can't Debate A Liar And Biden Shouldn't Have Tried

As soon as Fox News started to trumpet the idea that Joe Biden would be on drugs at the debate, everyone should have known what was coming.

The narrative is set now: Trump was strong; Biden is weak. Biden's voice was raspy; Trump's was strong. Trump spoke with confidence; Biden was tentative.

Everything that came out of Trump's mouth was a lie. Every word. Trump just used his rally speech as debate answers. But because there was no fact-checking, the lies have now found their way into the mainstream. Every media outlet, particularly Fox News, will be crowing about this debate because truth just doesn't have a place in politics anymore.

If anyone was on drugs, it was Trump, on Adderall possibly. Or maybe just a lot of Diet Pepsi.

Biden got some hits in, but because his voice was hoarse, he sounded weak. And there was a moment right at the beginning where he flat-out glitched.

Things that frustrated me: Trump speaking multiple times for Putin and Biden never calling him out on it. Trump lying about literally everything and Biden trying to fire back with facts, even when it came to his golf handicap.

Moments I appreciated: In the video above, Biden calling Trump a whiner, getting Trump flustered, and earlier when he called Trump a liar.

I thought this debate was a good idea when it was first proposed. Now I think Biden shouldn't have lowered himself, because it just raised Trump's profile.

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