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How to get Greatsword of Damnation in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree

Elden Ring obviously has some incredibly designed weapons and armor that can be combined to create some seriously deadly fashion statements.

Shadow of the Erdtree only adds to that with a whole host of new swords that look great and have powerful effects.

The Greatsword of Damnation is a great example of this, whilst also having really interesting lore behind it also.

Below, we’ll take a look at where to find the Greatsword of Damnation in Shadow of the Erdtree so you can see the power of this unique weapon for yourself.

Where to find Greatsword of Damnation in Shadow of the Erdtree

To secure the Greatsword of Damnation, you must defeat a certain boss that is using it in the fight.

The boss in question is Midra, Lord Of Frenzied Flame but finding him takes some doing.

We’ll make Abyssal Woods as a starting point for this guide but even getting to here is a big undertaking in itself, so just keep that in mind before moving forward here.

If you are at Abyssal Woods though, you’ll have to progress all the way through, continuing beyond the enemies that you cannot kill and instead, have to sneak past, to Midra’s Manse.

Beginning at the first Site of Grace in Midra’s Manse, take an immediate left and continue through the mazy area until you can trigger a lever.

Locate the ladder close by and go up at whenever the opportunity presents itself. You’ll come out and be able to activate the next Site of Grace.

Move out to the upper tier of the area, round, and down to the bottom. Look around for an entrance and a set of stairs to a ladder that you need to activate to progress.

You can now make your way over a bookshelf and round to a wood platform, where you can drop down once more.

Follow the path to the final Site of Grace, and then the boss will await you in the next room.

After defeating Midra, Lord Of Frenzied Flame, you’ll receive the Remembrance of the Lord Of Frenzied Flame. Now, head back to the Roundtable Hold and redeem the Greatsword of Damnation using it.

Other Shadow of the Erdtree weapon location guides

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