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Shawnee County officials make their case for $7 million increased budget

TOPEKA (KSNT) - Thursday morning local officials took a look into the future for law enforcement and recreation in Shawnee County.

It was a packed house for the first of two Shawnee County budget hearing sessions. Groups presenting on June 27 included the District Attorney, Department of Corrections, Parks and Recreation, Emergency Management, Stormont Vail Events Center and more.

The total budget request increase for all county departments from 2024 to 2025 is 5%, or just over $7.5 million

For an example from Thursday's hearing, the District Attorney's Office presented on a requested 10% budget increase focusing on a new data storage system and securing staffing amid a nationwide lawyer shortage.

"This is the funding that I need to provide an office to handle the workload required to protect the citizens of this community," Shawnee County District Attorney Mike Kagay said. "And we're there, you give me this funding I will give you the best prosecution office in the state of Kansas."

Public works, public health and administrative services present their budget proposals on Monday, July 1. Commissioners will start adopting the full budget for 2025 later this year in September.

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