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'Need some cheering up?': Internet mocks Steve Bannon after Supreme Court denies jail plea

Donald Trump's ally Steve Bannon was subjected to mockery Friday after the Supreme Court ordered he submit himself to prison on Monday.

Bannon had appealed to the nation's highest court of nine justices, three Trump appointees, to intervene before he had to face four months in a federal low security prison in Danbury, Connecticut.

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Liberal and Republican foes joined together to mock Bannon.

"Need some cheering up?" asked liberal commentator Jeff Tiedrich on X. "Steve Bannon went whining to the Supreme Court to please please pretty please keep him from having to go to prison and the Supreme Court just told Steve Bannon to f--- straight off."

"Can I get a 'Hell yeah!'" cheered podcast host Jack Hopkins.

A follower on X pointed out an NBC News report showing the 70-year-old Bannon had already been assigned his prison number.

"I know it was a rough night last night for Joe Biden, but he did a much better job today with a barnburner in North Carolina, and by the way the Supreme Court unanimously told Scabrous Phlemsack Steve Bannon not to make plans for July 4th," cracked The Lincoln Project's Rick Wilson.

Meanwhile, the official Lincoln Project account remarked, "Steve Bannon is going to jail Monday, just in time for America's birthday."

Liberal activist JoJoFromJerz, similarly encouraged downtrodden Biden supporters to find joy in Bannon's misfortune.

"If you’re feeling down right now, you should know that the Supreme Court just denied sloppy Steve Bannon’s ridiculous Hail Mary to keep his cirrhotic, lice-infested, festering boil pus f---ing a-- out of the pokey," she wrote on X.

She later joked, "The question now isn’t whether or not Steve Bannon will go to prison, it’s whether or not he will finish molting while in there."

MSNBC host Katie Phang cracked, "Steve Bannon was just told 'Do Not Pass Go'!"

"I pray for the intake guard Monday. Bring VapoRub and peppermint oil. Lots of it," jeered humorist Bill DeMayo.

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