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Primark shoppers run for cover after swarm of bees swoop on Kent store

SHOPPERS ran for cover after a swarm of bees swooped on a Primark.

The yellow-and-black stingers were attracted by flowers in hanging baskets placed at the store’s entrance just weeks earlier.

Shoppers ran for cover after a swarm of bees swooped on a Primark in Canterbury, Kent[/caption]
Beekeepers managed to contain the queen and her workers in a cardboard box[/caption]
The bees were attracted by flowers in hanging baskets placed at the store’s entrance[/caption]

Security kept customers away as beekeepers managed to disturb the cluster and contain the queen and her workers in a cardboard box.

The store in Canterbury, Kent, later reopened.

Bosses had shown off the new flowers in a post on May 23, saying: “After months of growing, and hours of hard work, our displays have finally arrived and are ready to bloom all summer long.

“To make it even sweeter, we’ve included special plants to attract our buzzing friends — the bees!”

Primark said yesterday: “We had to temporarily close our Canterbury store while local bee control and conservation safely moved a swarm of bees who showed up outside the store.

“We reopened in the late afternoon for business as usual as soon as it was safe for our customers and colleagues.

“We’re sorry to anyone who couldn’t visit the store as a result.”

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