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Hezbollah's growing arsenal tests limits of Israel's Iron Dome defense system


Growing sophistication threatens Jewish State

(SUMMARY NEWS) – The terrorists have attacked Israel for years. These attacks have intensified since their fellow terror group Hamas was let in by Israel to kill Israelis. And now, the war may widen…

Tensions along the border between Israel and Lebanon have escalated, with frequent exchanges of fire involving Israeli forces and the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah. Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, issued a stark warning recently, claiming that all of Israel would be vulnerable in the event of a war, highlighting the reach of Hezbollah’s missiles and drones.

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Hezbollah’s ability to challenge Israel’s defense capabilities was demonstrated through a detailed surveillance video released by the group, showing an unmanned aerial vehicle that managed to evade the Iron Dome defense system and record footage of sensitive locations in Israel, including a facility operated by Rafael Advanced Defense Systems—the manufacturer of the Iron Dome system.

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