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White House on edge as Netanyahu's Congress speech looms amid Gaza tensions


Benjamin NetanyahuTerrorist supporting 'Squad' will likely walk out to make a scene

Benjamin Netanyahu
Benjamin Netanyahu

Benjamin Netanyahu

(SUMMARY NEWS) – The Democrats want to ban Netanyahu from speaking to Congress. Surely the terrorist supporting ‘Squad’ will walk out to make a scene.

The White House is reportedly uneasy about the Israeli Prime Minister’s upcoming speech to Congress, amid a proactive campaign to prevent the event. Tensions have arisen following the Prime Minister’s decision not to halt military operations in Gaza, which is believed to be a critical factor for President Joe Biden, particularly in Michigan – a state with a significant Muslim population expected to vote in the upcoming November elections.

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Recent actions by the Prime Minister, including a video alleging that the U.S. was withholding essential military supplies, have aggravated these tensions. This video came shortly before a publicized letter by six notable Israelis in a major publication, advocating for Congress to withdraw the invitation for the July 24 speech. The signatories argued that allowing the Prime Minister to speak would undermine the grievances of Israeli citizens demonstrated by ongoing protests.

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