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Raw Carrot Salad Recipe for Hormone Balance - ♡ July Blossom ♡

17K SharesA carrot a day keeps bad hormones away! Here’s a raw carrot salad recipe for hormone balance!High Hormones = Health IssuesToo much of anything is bad. The same applies to hormones. Excess hormones lead to a host of health problems.Most of the time, it’s women who are affected by health issues caused by excess hormones, in particular,estrogen, the primary female sex hormone.That’s because every single day, we are exposed to xenoestrogens or synthetic estrogen (chemical compounds that mimic estrogen when inside the body).This is in form of makeup products, cleaning agents, plastics, pesticides sprayed on fresh produce and more.Certain foods such as soy contain phytoestrogens (plant estrogen that can mimic the real estrogen in the body).When there are high levels of estrogen in the body, it is very easy to find yourself suffering from irregular periods, heavy periods, ovarian cysts, severe PMS, hormonal acne and infertility.Too much estrogen in the body has also been linked to c...

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