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Marin IJ Readers’ Forum for June 30, 2024

Marin IJ Readers’ Forum for June 30, 2024

Top court overstepped with California tax ruling

California’s Supreme Court deliberately refused to support the fundamental right of a democratic state to allow its citizens to place a ballot measure on the November slate with its recent decision (“California voters lose a shot at checking state and local tax hikes at the polls,” June 21).

Over 1 million Californians signed a petition to put a measure on the ballot to require that voters approve any tax measure passed by the state Legislature and require two-thirds voter approval on local tax increases.

Apparently the people who fund the taxes are not responsible enough to determine if their money is wisely spent. Not surprisingly, Gov. Gavin Newsom led the charge to contest the ballot measure. I consider this another wake-up call for voters to oust these spend-silly representatives or continue to watch the population leave this state.

— John Bell, Mill Valley

American’s ‘ugly’ T-shirt stood out at Eiffel Tower

I recently spent a week in Paris. It was great. There was only one bad minute all week. In fact, it was ugly. And the ugliness was imported in the form of an American man in a T-shirt. It occurred near the Eiffel Tower.

Keep in mind, France is not like here. People in Paris dress in styles that cross over, without as much differentiation between the sexes. This is a reflection of French attitudes about personal sexuality. Other folks’ choices in this regard just are not important to most French individuals. C’est la vie. Live and let live.

The “Ugly American” wore a shirt with an eagle, an American flag and the words, “This Is My Pride Flag.” It was an obvious criticism against people who are LGBTQ+.

He appeared to be importing his own narrow-minded prejudices in an attempt to replace the personal choices of the French with his own, singular, personal choice. Why can’t this guy just live his life, with his own choices and preferences, without implying that the choices of others are wrong?

Perhaps he should research the American Revolution at the library, and the founding of our country, where we supposedly value freedom above all else. America would not exist without the huge difference that the backing of the French, in francs and lives lost, that won the revolution. We would not exist as a country without the French.

That is, unless he has already been successful in taking the history books off the shelves of his local “free” American library.

— Rick Roberts, Novato

Years of forest neglect is real reason for wildfires

I do not believe that so-called “climate change” is the reason for the increase in wildfires, nor is it the god of weather, witches, magic or any other ethereal reasons. I consider the actual reason to be mundane and is rooted in decisions made at the state Capitol in Sacramento.

Years of neglecting our forests is the actual primary cause of the increase in wildfires. The democrats in Sacramento who control the state could address it by proper forest management, but I suspect they don’t want to. One of the cudgels they use to get their way would disappear. What we need is regime change.

— James Quigley, San Rafael

Trump’s behavior detracts from letter’s argument

I am writing in response to Henry Burgin’s letter supporting former President Donald Trump. It was published next to an editorial cartoon by Dave Granlund, who celebrated the American justice system — that nobody (neither a presidential candidate, nor a president’s son) is above the law. From my perspective, the cartoon’s sentiment made a mockery of Burgin’s defense of Trump.

Trump and his followers appear to have little respect for the judicial process. Trump seemed to constantly lambaste the judge, courtroom employees, the judge’s family and the prosecutors (resulting in a gag order). Upon conviction, Trump urged congressional Republicans to “do something” to overturn it.

Meanwhile, the jury that recently found President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, guilty in court, apparently knowing they would not be threatened, seem to be freely appearing on TV to discuss the case. This exposure is something Trump’s jurors don’t appear to be willing to risk. The president said he would not give his son an official pardon.

I believe that Trump’s disrespect for the rule of law and this country was embodied by the Jan. 6, 2021 insurrection of the U.S. Capitol. To vote for Trump is to ignore his contempt for democracy and the rule of law.

— Ruth Dell, Tiburon

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