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What Was Hiding At This Debate? In 2020 It Was COVID

Disgraced and demoted Dr. Ronny "Pill Mill" Jackson wanted drug testing before the debates. Rep. Ronny Johnson Jackson demanded that testing as part of the pre-debate messaging push. But he KNEW that it wouldn't happen, especially for this debate. Plus, if you know you'll be drug tested and might fail, you can stop taking the drug or cheat. That's what Trump did when he cheated on his scheduled COVID test before the 2020 debate.

At the 2020 debate Trump was scheduled to be tested for COVID, everyone was supposed to be tested for COVID AT THE VENUE, THE DAY OF THE DEBATE. Biden and his people got tested, they followed the rules designed to protect themselves, AND OTHERS. But Trump, and his enablers, showed up late to avoid testing for COVID because, as Mark Meadows' 2021 book revealed,Trump had tested positive for COVID Saturday, September 26 2020, three days before the September 29th debate.
Also, his entourage didn't wear masks, as was required by the venue.

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