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Republicans threaten states' federal highway funds if protesters block roads


Growing number of traffic-disrupting demonstrations

(VALUETAINMENT) – Congressman Bill Huizenga (R-MI) introduced a new House Bill on Thursday that would withhold federal highway funds from states that allow protesters to block major thoroughfares. The bill, known as the Clear the ROADS (Reckless Obstructions and Dangers on Streets) Act, comes in response to a growing number of traffic-disrupting demonstrations that have seen mobs of protesters take to the streets in support of various causes.

Under the Clear the ROADS Act, the federal government will be authorized to withhold 10 percent of a state’s highway funding if it has not made reasonable efforts to stop activists from blockading roadways covered under the funding system.

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“The Clear the ROADS Act is designed to ensure states responsibly stop unlawful conduct taking place on federally funded roads in a timely manner,” said Congressman Huizenga. “If states are neglecting their responsibility to keep roads clear, then withholding federal funds from those states is the appropriate response.”

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