News in English

I’m trying my best but it’s never enough for my girlfriend

DEAR DEIDRE: I CONSTANTLY feel like I’m walking on eggshells with my girlfriend.

We are both 25 and have been together for nine months.

But she is constantly accusing me of not putting enough effort into our relationship.

As for me, I feel I am constantly suggesting activities that she just turns down.

She’ll say she’s working that day or babysitting her niece.

I’m trying my best but it’s never enough.

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Even her parents say nasty things about me.

She’s started to put down my appearance, saying that I need to make more effort, and that she doesn’t want to be seen out with me.

Am I fighting a lost cause?



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DEIDRE SAYS: This is a form of emotional abuse.

You are doing your best but she is still making things difficult.

It’s time to walk away from this woman.

My support pack on Abusive Relationships will help you see her behaviour for what it is and explains just how damaging situations like this are.

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