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I’m desperate to have contact with my grandson but my daughter is ghosting us

DEAR DEIDRE: OUR daughter has always been selfish and self-centred but her latest trick has really taken the biscuit.

One month ago she and my grandson moved away without any warning or explanation.

I’m 68 and my husband is 73. Our daughter is 48 and our grandson is 13.

I’ve been heavily involved in raising him because my daughter is a single mum and works full time.

I used to take him to medical appointments, birthday parties and I’ve even taken him on holiday.

He is everything to me.

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But since she moved, I haven’t heard one word from her.

My daughter hasn’t told me their new address and won’t answer my calls or emails.

I’ve spoken to other family members but they don’t know where they are either.

Then a week ago I spotted my grandson at a local shop.

I ran in and wrapped my arms around him.

It felt like I’d won the lottery and he was happy to see me too.

He was with a friend but refused to tell me his new address.

In the end I called up his school begging for his new address but the receptionist refused to give it to me.

Hours later the police arrived at the door accusing me of harassment and stalking. I couldn’t believe it.

My husband and I were both given warnings and told we could even be jailed if we had any more contact with my grandson.

I’m not sure what to do any more.

I’m desperate to have contact with my grandson and can’t seem to get through to my daughter.

I’m terrified I won’t see my grandson until he’s 18. How can I make sure this doesn’t happen?



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DEIDRE SAYS: What a shame that your daughter is coming between you and your grandson, someone you have a close bond with.

You can get advice from, who will understand the issues here.

You can also contact charity, which helps people keep in contact with their grandchildren.

And helps people of all ages who are estranged or disowned by family members.

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