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Donald J. Trump: Kommandant-in-Chief?

Democrats refuse to engage Donald J. Trump on substance. He is running on border security, law and order, tax relief, energy dominance, and Peace through Strength — essentially to restore the general welfare that prevailed before Joe Biden wrecked it.

Trump left Hillary in peace, so she could blame everyone but herself for botching a presidential race that was hers to lose.

Rather than present an alternative vision, Democrats tried to bar Trump from state ballots (until a unanimous Supreme Court slapped them down). They have trapped Trump in local, state, and federal court, largely blocked him from the campaign trail for six weeks, and leeched him via legal expenses. (READ MORE from Deroy Murdoch: Tim Scott for Veep!)

Democrats run from real issues.

I don’t want to talk about policy. We can talk about policy all day long, but it’s irrelevant,” my congressman, Representative Dan Goldman (D – New York), told CNN on June 18. “Donald Trump [is] trying to destroy the country that we know.”

Trump’s foes now shriek that he will become Kommandant-in-chief and supervise concentration camps worthy of the Third Reich. Unhinged? Democrats sound as if the door remained uninvented.

  • MSNBC presidential historian Michael Beschloss forecast that, if re-elected, Trump would plunge America into “dictatorship and anarchy at the same time” — magically, total government and no government, all at once.
  • “Because depending on what happens in November,” MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace nearly wept on air, “I might not be sitting here.” Wallace further whimpered, “There might not be a White House Correspondents’ Dinner or a free press.” Wallace warned that, “the real threat looms larger: A candidate with outward disdain, not just for a free press but for all of our freedoms. And for the rule of law itself.”
  • “It is unequivocal that if Donald Trump wins, we are looking at the potential dissolution of democracy in the United States of America,” said Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D – New York). “I mean, it sounds nuts, but I wouldn’t be surprised if this guy threw me in jail.” She added: “I take him at his word when he says that he’s going to round up people.”
  • “They’re trying to end the American system of government,” MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow ranted on June 18. “They’re trying to bring about a revolution against the American system of government and against the United States of America.” Maddow told CNN on June 11 that she fears that Trump would throw her behind barbed wire. “What convinces you that these massive camps he’s planning are only for migrants? So, yes, I’m worried about me — but only as much as I’m worried about all of us.”

Predictions of a mega-MAGA Holocaust are insufficiently paranoid for the Hate Trump crowd. They now visualize thermonuclear war.

  • “The 45th president is a disturbed person,” Tom Nichols declared June 12 in The Atlantic. “He cannot be trusted with any position of responsibility — and especially not with an [sic] nuclear arsenal of more than 1,500 weapons. One wrong move could lead to global incineration.”

These horrifying premonitions would be slightly less outlandish if Trump were a political newcomer with no record. In that situation, some might wonder, “Could Trump really be an American Hitler?”

As luck would have it, Trump already served four years as president, and they looked nothing like Nazi Germany. Trump enjoyed a Republican Congress for his first two years. That would have been the time to establish an American Reich. Oddly enough, that never happened.

Did Trump lock up senators? Congressmen? Journalists? No, no, and no. Trump could have thrown Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer into the White House basement after legislative negotiations. Instead, he allowed them to leave the West Wing, denounce him in front of waiting news cameras, and then return to Capitol Hill — unharmed.

Trump never locked up Hillary Clinton, despite her blatant violations of the Espionage Act, destruction of evidence, and obstruction of justice in the Servergate scandal. Trump left Hillary in peace, so she could blame everyone but herself for botching a presidential race that was hers to lose.

Democrats rewarded Trump’s mercy to Hillary with a three-year-long Russiagate hoax, Impeachment, the Hunter Biden Laptop cover-up, Impeachment Jr., and now, relentless lawfare.

An unlikely defense witness for Trump is none other than Rachel Maddow. Her 2024 incarceration hallucination echoes her 2017 incarceration hallucination. She told Bravo’s Andy Cohen that if she interviewed Trump, she would ask him, “Are you going to send me or anybody that I know to a camp?”

Maddow said this on January 5, 2017, 15 days before Trump’s inauguration. Her remarks confirm the unmitigated absurdity of the Left’s Trump = Hitler plush toy. For four years, Trump let Maddow, her MSNBC comrades, and other media detractors rage against him, as the First Amendment guarantees.

Joe Biden, the Democrats’ shield against a “Trump dictatorship,” is this story’s true-blue totalitarian.

  • Hardly a day passes without Biden barking orders at the American people: Buy this! Don’t buy that! Kiss your gas stove goodbye! Hug your new electric vehicle!
  • The Biden Administration pressured social media companies to censor “disinformation” on COVID-19 treatments and vaccines. (The allegedly conservative Supreme Court gave this program six thumbs up in an outrageous decision on Wednesday.)

While aching to jail Trump, Biden’s allies have imprisoned Trump’s former CFO, Allen Weisselberg, and Trump’s former White House advisor, Peter Navarro. Former campaign aide Steve Bannon might be Biden’s next political opponent to land behind bars, as soon as July 1.

No wonder Americans reject Democrats’ Kommandant Trump rubbish. When the Washington Post asked 1,094 swing-state registered voters which candidate would safeguard U.S. democracy better (never mind that this is a constitutional republic), 33 percent picked Biden, and 44 percent chose Trump(READ MORE: New Video: Vegas Voters ‘Reside’ in Bars and Strip Clubs)

Democrats should abandon their bizarre, baseless fantasies about Dachau on the Potomac. Instead, they should sit in some hard chairs and craft a positive agenda for four more years.

Deroy Murdock is a Manhattan-based Fox News contributor.

The post Donald J. Trump: Kommandant-in-Chief? appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.

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