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Jill Biden's ex rips first lady for pushing 'struggling' Joe to stay in race


Jill Biden cheers on Joe Biden after his presidential debate performance in Atlanta on Thursday, June 27, 2024. (Video screenshot)Jill Biden's ex-husband has joined the chorus of Democrats suddenly sounding the alarm on Joe Biden's depleting physical and mental health following the president's humiliating debate performance Thursday. Bill Stevenson, who was married to Jill from 1970 to 1975 blasted his ex-wife for encouraging Joe to stay in the election amid the chorus of people…

Jill Biden cheers on Joe Biden after his presidential debate performance in Atlanta on Thursday, June 27, 2024. (Video screenshot)
Jill Biden cheers on Joe Biden after his presidential debate performance in Atlanta on Thursday, June 27, 2024. (Video screenshot)

Jill Biden cheers on Joe Biden after his presidential debate performance in Atlanta on Thursday, June 27, 2024.

Jill Biden's ex-husband has joined the chorus of Democrats suddenly sounding the alarm on Joe Biden's depleting physical and mental health following the president's humiliating debate performance Thursday.

Bill Stevenson, who was married to Jill from 1970 to 1975 blasted his ex-wife for encouraging Joe to stay in the election amid the chorus of people calling for him to step down as the party's nominee.

"The Dr. Jill Biden who I've seen on TV in the last five years is not the same person I married or that I recognize in any way," Stevenson told the New York Post Saturday.

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"She's matriculated into a completely different woman."

Stevenson of Delaware is an ardent Trump supporter who married the first lady when she was still a college student. He supported Biden when he ran for the U.S. Senate in 1972 and when Biden ran as vice president with Barack Obama. He has since been vocal with his contempt for what he has at times called "the Biden crime family."

"I just don't understand why she is so adamant about defending him and keeping him in the race since it appears that he's struggling," Stevenson said. "It appears that he's struggling with everybody these days."

Bill Stevenson (Video screenshot)

Bill Stevenson

"I've watched Jill grow," he continued. "I've been proud of her at certain moments. I have no hard feelings ... I'm just surprised to see her front and center in the middle of this battle after flying under the radar for so many years. She's always been very driven. People say she's the one who wants to president now."

After Biden was named the Democratic presidential nominee in 2020, Stevenson alleged that Jill and Joe Biden's relationship began as an affair.

"It makes me cringe every time he calls Trump a liar because I'm telling you right now, there is no better liar than President Biden," Stevenson said. "He's just a bad person. I'm probably one of the few people outside his family who has known him for 50 years."

Stevenson is slated next month to self-publish a book titled "The Bidens: The Early Years," in which he offers an analysis of Joe Biden's current state of mind.

"Look, I'm not a doctor or a psychiatrist but yeah, I felt he lost a step three or four years ago. Now I think it's more like a couple of steps. Do I feel badly for him? No, because he did some horrible things to me and my family."

It's increasingly clear that last week's presidential debate, conspicuously the earliest general election debate in American history, was a scheme by Democrats to oust Biden as the party's nominee and replace Biden with another candidate such as Vice President Kamala Harris, California Gov. Gavin Newsom, or former First Lady Michelle Obama.

Evidently, the corporate news media were suddenly given the green light to acknowledge Biden's absent-minded gaffes, fatigue and cognitive impairment after shielding the scandal-plagued installed president from criticism and "right-wing conspiracies" about his health for years.

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