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Who will fill in for Steve Bannon on 'WarRoom'?


Steve Bannon (Video screenshot)Former Trump senior adviser Steve Bannon is headed to prison Monday, to serve a four-month sentence after his last-minute bid to avoid jail time was rejected by the Supreme Court. This came after House Speaker Mike Johnson said the House would be filing a brief of support of Bannon's appellate case. HUGE — Grace…

Steve Bannon (Video screenshot)
Steve Bannon (Video screenshot)

Steve Bannon

Former Trump senior adviser Steve Bannon is headed to prison Monday, to serve a four-month sentence after his last-minute bid to avoid jail time was rejected by the Supreme Court.

This came after House Speaker Mike Johnson said the House would be filing a brief of support of Bannon's appellate case.

Bannon was convicted on two counts of contempt of Congress in July, 2022, and sentenced in October of that year, after not fulfilling the Jan. 6 committee's requests for documents, and testimony – which was part of the committee investigation into the lead-up to the violent events that unfolded on Capitol Hill on Jan. 6, 2021.

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But who will fill-in for Steve on his popular "WarRoom" podcast on Real America's Voice while he is serving his time?

It appears his daughter Maureen "Mo" Bannon is the likely choice to step up to the plate, as she happens to be the CEO of WarRoom.

In a pinned post on her X account, Maureen, a U.S. Army Veteran, said her dad will always be her hero.

"It doesn't take a hero to order men into battle. It takes a hero to be one of those men who goes into battle." My dad is and will always be my hero. I WILL ALWAYS STAND WITH STEVE BANNON!" She said.

Maureen retweeted a message from fellow conservative broadcaster Jack Posobiec, who said: "Many people are worried about Steve on Monday. He isn't worried at all. He's laser-focused on victory. And victory will be achieved."

After being forced out of her job in logistics due to refusing to take the COVID-19 vaccine in 2021, Maureen stated in an interview it was from that point she decided to get into politics with her father on his WarRoom podcast.

Steve Bannon is expected to air his final show Monday at 10 a.m. Eastern from outside the Federal Correctional Institution in Danbury, Connecticut.

On his Friday broadcast of WarRoom, he told fans how he'd like them to spend their time during his incarceration:

"Listen, pray for our enemies. Do not write a letter to me at all. It will not be read. I am not going to take a second to read your letters. I'm not. Because you know why? I don't want you taking time to write a letter. I want you to get to work.

"This is all about victory. There is no substitute for victory here. There is no substitute for victory. You know that. I know that."

"Use your time, husband your resources and use your time. And your time is not sending me some missive in prison that I'm not going to read. You know why I'm not going to read? Because I'm going to be working. Outside of my job in prison, I'm going to be working the rest of the hours on what? Total and complete victory.

"And that's why if you appreciate the show, if you appreciate the people that come on here, if you appreciate how we put it on, there's two ways to show appreciation: No. 1, step up and even do more work."

Steve Bannon begins prison term, here's what his life will look like

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