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Troop Type Guide: Usage & Characteristics (Mounted, Ground, Ranged, Siege) | Evony: The King's Return GUIDE WIKI

There are four types of troops in Evony TKR: Mounted troops, Ground troops, Ranged troops, and Siege machine.This article explains the characteristics of each, the differences, and how to use them differently.I think this will be somewhat useful not only for beginners but also for intermediate players, as it will largely lead to an explanation of PvP battle mechanics.Note: Some of this information has not been officially announced by TOP Games, so some of it is based on my own experience.Basic Usage 1Basic usage 2Pros and Cons of eachProsConsStatsSupplement 2: PowerCharacteristics of each troop type in detailMounted TroopGround TroopRanged TroopSiege MachineBasic Usage 1If you are new to the game, you can think of them as followsMounted = for PvE (Hunting Monsters)Other = for PvP (Player vs Player)Therefore, there is no need to increase the number of troops other than mounted troops until you start doing PvP in earnest.Ranged and Ground troops can be used to hunt monsters, but they req...

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