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How Can People Be Shocked by Biden’s Performance?

I have been thinking for months of writing a piece about President Biden’s mental deficiencies. My argument would have been as follows: given what is obviously going on with this feeble man, who is supposedly the leader of the free...

The post How Can People Be Shocked by Biden’s Performance? appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.

I have been thinking for months of writing a piece about President Biden’s mental deficiencies. My argument would have been as follows: given what is obviously going on with this feeble man, who is supposedly the leader of the free world, why isn’t the ambassador to the U.S. from every one of our allies crashing down the doors at the State Department and demanding that something be done to remove this cipher from office? Why aren’t our friends in the UN doing anything? Why aren’t honest governors and mayors, and honest members of both parties in Congress, speaking out? Why do the members of the Cabinet, who have the power to remove him under the 25th Amendment, refuse to act?

The whole situation is appalling. Biden is so out of it that one can hardly blame him for anything. 

But I never wrote the piece. It would’ve been like writing about how the sky is blue. Who on earth needed to be told that Joe Biden was non compos mentis and had no business being anywhere near the White House? No, I didn’t understand at all why our allies weren’t kicking up a fuss — at least not publicly — about the fact that the man in the Oval Office was a walking corpse. It was easier to understand why Democrats in positions of power preferred to stay silent. In any event, I didn’t feel I had anything to say that would be new to anyone who’d been following the news.

Biden and the Great Debate

Then the great debate happened. A whole lot of people acted as if they were shocked by how Biden performed. He was out of it. Distracted. Some of his sentences trailed off into utter gibberish. At times he seemed to freeze for a few seconds. And he had a vacant look in his eyes. (READ MORE from Bruce Bawer: Remembering Sacrifice in New York)

But all in all he did better than I expected, given what I’d observed of him during the last few months. I was amazed that he got through the entire ninety minutes without totally zoning out or wandering offstage. You had to have gotten your news from the broadcast networks or MSNBC or the New York Times in order to be at all surprised by the way Biden came off at that debate.

In fact the poor old thing looked exactly like every patient I ever saw, years ago, sitting in a wheelchair and staring pathetically into space, when I used to visit my grandmother in the nursing home. He’d obviously been fed lines and, for the most part, he repeated them more effectively than I’d thought he was capable of.

But no one who’d actually bought into the mainstream media’s line about Biden during recent months — the claim that he was entirely cogent and that his occasional missteps had been outrageously exaggerated by his opponents — could have been anything but shocked by what they experienced on the evening of June 27. Even the most loyal Democrats had to admit that they were (at the very least) unsettled by Biden’s performance.

On Friday, it was reported that Speaker of the House Mike Johnson had suggested that Biden’s Cabinet discuss invoking the 25th Amendment, which provides for the removal of the president if the majority of the Cabinet decides he’s incapable of discharging his duties. (Movie fans will recall this amendment from the movie Air Force One.) The New York Times, which in recent years has focused on demonizing Trump and deifying Biden, ran an editorial headlined, “To Serve His Country, President Biden Should Leave the Race.” The Washington Post’s fence-straddling editorial called Biden’s performance “calamitous,” but also maintained that “preventing another Trump presidency is the paramount consideration.” Yes, heaven forbid that America return to power, peace, and prosperity.

And the Los Angeles Times, which at this point is probably the nation’s stupidest newspaper, ran an editorial headlined, “For the sake of the nation, Biden must reassure Americans he is up to a second term.” While acknowledging that Biden had come off as “tired, listless, and occasionally confused,” the editors stated that he was “still vastly preferable to Trump.”

Of course anyone who truly thinks Biden is, at present, capable even of being a Walmart’s greeter, or a guy whose job it is to collect grocery carts from a parking lot, is delusional. The fact is that for the first time in human history, the most powerful job on earth is nominally in the hands of a man who should, like Jimmy Carter, be in a hospice. Of course he’s not really running the country. It’s a scandal that for a long time now a lot of people on Fox News and on various websites have been discussing, with credibility, the question of who really is in charge.

Biden Hardly to Blame

Americans shouldn’t have to wonder who is running their country. The whole situation is appalling. Biden is so out of it that one can hardly blame him for anything. But his wife, as far as I’m concerned, is a monster. She’s the one who has enabled all of this. Any woman whose primary devotion was to her husband would never have gotten him into this mess in the first place, let alone encouraged him to run for re-election. (READ MORE: Nostalgia Is Coming Back to New York City)

What kind of callous ambition could cause a woman to behave in such a way? How could anyone be so eager to live in the White House as to put her mentally disabled husband through such a charade? And why hasn’t this been said more often, and more prominently? How does this woman live with herself? How does she sleep at night? How, knowing that her addled husband, at a time when both Russia and China are flexing their muscles, is nominally our Commander in Chief, can any of us sleep at night?

The post How Can People Be Shocked by Biden’s Performance? appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.

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