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Biden Voters Get the Red Pill

No real journalist on the right was the least bit stunned by the undead President’s incomprehensible utterings last Thursday night. We’d been chronicling his mental deterioration for years. In a 2020 article here, I compared then candidate Joe Biden to...

The post Biden Voters Get the Red Pill appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.

No real journalist on the right was the least bit stunned by the undead President’s incomprehensible utterings last Thursday night. We’d been chronicling his mental deterioration for years. In a 2020 article here, I compared then candidate Joe Biden to John Gill, the puppet leader of a Nazi planet in the classic Star Trek episode, Patterns of Force. Gill is a total wreck, drugged up and propped up whenever needed to address the public by the actual leader of the military-industrial complex.

In a truly cringeworthy video, a microphone-holding Jill … praises her befuddled husband as one would a child.

Unfortunately for the country, too many Biden supporters — already a deluded crowd — don’t read the American Spectator or any conservative press, or listen to the voices of reason like Glenn Beck, Megyn Kelly, Victor Davis Hanson, Scott Adams, and the Daily Wire quartet (Ben Shapiro, Andrew Klavan, Michael Knowles, Matt Walsh), or watch Fox News or Newsmax primetime programs. Fox News, to its credit has done much to right the ship since its awful 2020 election performance, which I slammed in another piece. The network’s exemplary coverage of the border invasion has raised the issue as a public concern and lowered Biden’s approval rating. (READ MORE from Lou Aguilar: Once Upon a Time in Hollywood)

However, the Biden sycophants saw and heard none of this. They ignored what we could not — the evidence of our own eyes and ears. They preferred the gaslighting by the Democrats and their propagandist media — that Biden was a veritable dynamo. That once out of our sight, this shuffling, mumbling, wondering, decomposing zombie turned into Lieutenant Columbo. The Democrat insiders, yes, especially their subservient media interpreters, knew this was bunk. Yet they also knew their audience wanted the blue pill not the red one, so, they kept feeding it into their eager mouths. Until last week, when the Matrix was revealed.

Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams recognized it. As a trained hypnotist, he could see through the illusion and knew what or who to blame. “Journalism died this week,” Adams said on his latest podcast.

Journalism as a profession — it died this week … I’m saying that the industry was destroyed — their reputation. They were bad forever but got away with it, until this week. This is the first time that the silos between the two world views just fell apart. And do you know why … ‘Cause it’s the first time that most of the country saw Trump in a natural environment with Biden … And when people saw it, they said, ‘Wait a minute. My news people have been telling me for years that he’s fine.’ And there isn’t the slightest chance that they didn’t all know the problem.

And so did the world leaders, who had little choice but to further the illusion of a rapier-witted Biden to gain an advantage. A Wall Street Journal headline blurted the double-edged truth: “The World Saw Biden Deteriorating. Democrats Ignored the Warnings.” The newspaper story further elaborated: “European officials had already been expressing worries in private about Biden’s focus and stamina before Thursday’s debate, with some senior diplomats saying they had tracked a noticeable deterioration in the president’s faculties in meetings since last summer.”

But after the disastrous debate, diplomatic subtlety went out the window. “The Democrats must switch horses now,” said senior German lawmaker Norbert Röttgen. And those are America’s allies. Imagine the glee with which our enemies — Xi Jinping of China, Vladimir Putin of Russia, Ali Khamenei of Iran — watched the debate, followed by the fear. Because one of the two debaters was a malfunctioning empty husk. But the other man was, and would be again, an impediment to their plans.

Trump had Iran on its economic knees. He withdrew the U.S. from the Iran Nuclear Deal and reinstated sanctions. Biden reversed both actions and gave Iran billions. The result is Iran on the verge of a nuclear bomb and the October 7th Hamas massacre in Israel.

The downside to Biden’s utter collapse is that leftists can blame the failing country on the man and not their horrible policies. He was too inept to implement them well, they’ll say. But for this canard to work, the media must regain the liberals’ trust — by throwing Biden under the bus. And have they ever, judging by the brutal headlines from major news sources.

The New York Times: To Serve His Country, President Biden Must Leave the Race

The New Yorker: The Reckoning of Joe Biden — For the President to insist on remaining the Democratic candidate would be an act not only of self-delusion but of national endangerment.

The Economist: Joe Biden should now give way to an alternative candidate.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution: It’s time for Biden to pass the torch — AJC Editorial Board: To defeat Trump and for the good of the nation, the president must bow out of the presidential race.

Of course, for Biden to step down and enable a more lucid idiot, the Vice President, to replace him, an obstacle of sheer evil must first be moved — Doctor Jill Biden. But like the boulder of Sisyphus, she won’t be. No public, pitiable humiliation or the obvious anguish of her husband will sway her to forsake power. Though now, even the most willingly self-deceived can see her elder abuse, as we all did just moments after the disastrous debate for her.

In a truly cringeworthy video, a microphone-holding Jill unnaturally thanks an unenthusiastic crowd, then praises her befuddled husband as one would a child. “Joe, you did such a great job! You answered every question! You knew all the facts!” (READ MORE: Return From American Zombieland)

Lady Macbeth had nothing on Jill, who somehow appeared even creepier than her mate. Though she did manage something the whole hypnotic leftwing media couldn’t. Made conservatives want to defend Joe Biden, if only from her. Good riddance to both in November.

The post Biden Voters Get the Red Pill appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.

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