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J6 Political Hostage Darrell Neely Released From Prison After 3 Years Of Incarceration For Walking Around US Capitol Building on Jan. 6

After enduring three and half years of incarceration for cavalierly strolling through the U.S. Capitol building for a few minutes on Jan. 6, 2021, radio talk show host Darrel Neelly is a free man.

Neely was released from FCI McDowell in Welch, West Virginia last week after serving a 28-month prison sentence, most of which he was held in pretrial detention, for misdemeanor counts.

On one of his last calls from prison before his release, the radio and YouTube broadcaster told The Gateway Pundit that he intends to hit the ground running and return to the airwaves to help secure former President Donald Trump’s electoral victory in November and help the other political prisoners who are still going through hell behind bars.

Neely went to Washington D.C. on January 6th to provide media coverage he knew would not be available through the mainstream media.

One of only a handful of D.C. residents to be charged in connection with Jan. 6, Neely was convicted in a bench trial of five misdemeanor offenses, for walking around the Capitol building for a few minutes with a joint and taking a police officer’s hat.

The misdemeanor charges Neely was convicted of –Theft of Government Property, Entering and Remaining in a Restricted Building, Disorderly and Disruptive Conduct in a Restricted Building, Violent Entry and Disorderly Conduct in a Capitol Building, Parading, Demonstrating, or Picketing in a Capitol Building —  carry a maximum statutory penalty of one year in prison.

But the government sought a prison sentence three times the maximum penalty, as do prosecutors for the plurality of the Capitol protesters, asking the judge for a 33-month prison sentence for Neely. The government also charged with a felony count of civil disorder.

US District Judge John Bates acquitted Neely of the felony but sentenced Neely to more than twice the recommended sentencing guideline.

Neely was escorted into the building by a woman in a pink beret who has yet to be arrested. Many suspect the woman in the pink hat is was among confidential human sources or government provocateurs embedded in the crowd to provoke demonstrators to break the law during the riot.

Neely assured on the call from prison that he has confirmed #PinkBeret is not a government operative, but discovered she was pregnant after January 6 and fled the country with her husband after the riot to evade arrest.

Neely’s family has yet to hear from him following his release from prison.

The J6 survivor sent TGP a letter on his final days as a hostage of the Biden regime blasting the complicit members of Congress who have been idle in the midst of the political hostage crisis in the United States and America’s fall under the Biden regime.

“We cannot allow our faith in humanity to be dissolved and trampled upon by those who desire to oppress us, artificial intelligence or the corrupt corporate media,” Neely wrote. “We January 6ERS are an inspirational motivation to the world at this point but we as a group still need your support because there are many of us still not able to buy the amount of food needed to maintain our natural body weight, still have families in need of economic support and yes, we have children that also need and have even greater needs while we are here in prison, county jail or for many of us, awaiting trial or sentencing while in DC Jail. Please support us and know that your gift is a blessing.

“I, personally, need your help and assistance to pay for my civil cases and my appeal. Also, remember to please support a January 6er in prison. Biden and his oppressive governmental agencies have their heels on our necks, but we must stand strong together as American citizens and we even have united with others around the globe in the attempt to end this Democratic Socialist attempt at crushing our country’s culture, spirit and norms.”

*** Please help Neely restart his life and fight his appeal here. ***

Read J6 political survivor Darrell Neely’s full letter here:

You can’t undo the past. All you can do is face what is ahead while attempting to correct the grave errors the past created. We are one United States of America and we are one people… ‘We The People.’ But right now, we await the return of our Mr. President, Donald J. Trump.

Greetings from McDowell Federal Correctional Institute in a beautiful January 6 safe zone in the State of West Virginia.

I am writing to my beloved American patriots who support and acknowledge that we January 6ERS have been unjustly detained, prosecuted and sentenced because of our political ideology and highly popular M.A.G.A. belief while those who represent us in the United States Congress steal from those who elected them to public office.

Yes, I am a proud American citizen of the United States of America and as a January 6er, I believe there is a dire need for some changes to occur in this country.

On January 6, patriots stood together against the injustice that had assaulted our Constitution and robbed the American people of their freedom. Our government is corrupt and we proved it when the District of Columbia Metropolitan Police Department Riot Control, without just cause, beat men, women, elderly, handicapped, and children with batons, shields, gloved hands, and steel-toed boots. They also used tasers, rubber bullets, bang grenades, and tear gas.

Four protestors lost their lives.

The District of Columbia Metropolitan Police Riot Control have never been confronted for their actions because the government immediately began jailing the protestors and silencing their communications to the press and other authorities.

Never forget that not one police officer from the DC Metropolitan Police Department nor any of the U. S. Capitol Police died at the hands of any protestor that day. Look it up and do the research.

We mourn the loss of those who did die on January 6th, 2021. How tragic it was that no government official, nor did the Mayor of Washington DC, followed President Donald J. Trump’s urgings to have the National Guard present at the U. S. Capitol that highly eventful and tragic day.

I am writing this article to show another truth concerning our congressional representatives who claim to support and defend this nation. As I watch the local and national news, I often wonder if our U.S. Congressional representatives have any idea that they are stealing from the American taxpayers when they simply take it upon themselves to send money, or maybe I should say, “take money,” from the American people and send it to foreign nations without the consent of their constituents or “We The People.” Basically they have the right to do this because they have never been stopped or held accountable for their actions.

American tax dollars should be used to heal this country first and to heal this country, our representative have several important issues to deal with such as the border, homelessness, ramped drug addiction, Fentanyl and poverty.

To the politically incorrect politicians, We The People have issues in our country that need your attention before you start spending our hard-earned money on your desired projects. We have an enormous set of issues beginning with education, infectious diseases, poverty, addictions, homelessness, parenting, child welfare, elderly care, child care, incarceration and those incarcerated returning to society, veteran care, employment, judicial counsel, social programs and to top list, infrastructure.Issues such as railway tracks, roads, bridges, power lines, dams, dam walls, water treatment, sewer lines, clean water piping, natural gas piping and recycling all truly matter to the American people.

‘We The People’ want our money to stay in America rather than be used to support a political agenda and/or those with dual citizenship. Infact, why do we have representatives who hold political positions in the United States and citizenship in other countries as well?Australia, which once permitted dual citizenship in its government, ended this practice a couple of years ago. They did so because they wanted their representatives to be solely citizens of Australia. We Americans must follow suit because there are many loyalist to other countries that want their country to benefit from therefriendship and association with the United States. Pledging one’s loyalty to two nations is wrong and should not be permitted.

Many people wonder why J6ERS are so interested in the conduct of Congress. The simple answer is because we are constantly being betrayed, this also includes the American public, by politicians we thought were loyal and respect us.This includes those officials in both state and local governments. We expect elected officials to aid our nation and clear up our issues first, but this is seldom the case.

We need to be proactive as a people and as a nation. We have millions who have brilliant minds in this nation and no one is asking them the important questions. Their input would assist the United States to become more unified in thought and practicality. We all love our country but wish we could be included in the decisions that our representatives make. We elect them and they wander away from their duty of representing the public view as soon as they get into office. We do not really see them until the next time for election. By the time they are up for re-election, they have acquired millions of dollars and are well on their way to working for one of the major United States corporations when they leave office. These individuals are seen on the news being interviewed by “journalist” who use scripted questions and in reality, the entire scene is scripted from entrance to exit.

It is time the J6ers reveal the truth to make the American people think outside of the enclosed box in which we are taught to be enclosed in. Yes, we are taught to not question. We are a group of patriotic, politically motivated group of men and women of various cultures, races, and sexual orientations. We are as diverse as the world is. Currently, we are being tracked and arrested by the United States Federal Government and by federal law enforcement agencies for what some have called “mutiny.”

It is said that we are “seditionist,” “terrorist,” “conspirators,” “racist,” and inhe famous words of Nancy Pelosi, “insurrectionist.” (Personally, I was never charged with insurrection, terrorism, or sedition. I am in prison because of misdemeanors and a judge that said, “You do not show any remorse or sympathy.” Can you believe this is the reason why I am incarcerated?)

We have proven to be otherwise than the claims about us.

We committed none of the actions attributed to us and that even included the “bomb” that was supposedly discovered at the United States Capitol that cold and misty rainy day. We were attacked first by law enforcement and defended ourselves.

Our evidence proves that the entire January 6, 2021 event was a setup and a way to incite and divide the masses. During the protest, many of us fell into their trap and became part of their agenda of corruption involuntarily. Once we stopped praying for our beautiful country and turned to protect those in danger of serious bodily harm by those officers that unremorsefully engaged the protestors with violent intent, our fate was sealed.

America must wake up to all this administration’s agendas and ask questions like, “Why was Mrs. Harris, our soon to be made Vice President, at the United States Capital that day and how did she get a security clearance to walk within a “closed United States Capital building?”

We need to also take a look at how our taxpayer dollars are being spent, and determine what citizenship or citizenships our representatives hold. Many changes in our government are needed and the relevance of many federal departments in today’s world should be re-evaluated or closed. We need to take a hard look at the Federal Bureau of Investigations, or the better known F.B.I, because the ultra-modern National Security Agency or N.S.A. has more capability and government oversight than the F.B.I. Some agencies that attempt to control parenting and alter family structure should also be on the list for removal or revamping.

For the moment, Americans are free to choose and to believe as they wish.Yes, my statement was “for the moment…” because they are trying to control our voices and what one can and can not say and in some cases, they are trying to pass these restraints as a bill before the House of Representatives. As Americans, we are never free to do harm, exploit, or engage in violence. Yes, our emotions may run high and our feelings are head-strong, but we must find a way to grow beyond the issues. We must mature in our spiritual walk within the bounds of our creator. In other words, we must evolve and transcend our own personal weaknesses to become better citizens and humans. Life is not simple but only together and as united Americans can we bring our country out of this depressed state of conventional acceptance of the status quo and emerge into this 3-D reality, in which we exist. Nothing should be more important than the citizens of this country. Nothing should stand more proudly in the hearts of all Americans than our flag that represents the many who have sacrificed their lives in this nation’s behalf. Other countries believe in this concept. Why shouldn’t “We The People?”

Never surrender and never give up. God will send an angel to restore his true servants. There is an unseen evil out there that believes in its hold on this country and wants each person to think that everything is going to be alright. It wants to capture our hearts and minds and then steer them to the flow of our governmental oppressors.

We must not turn away from this menace.

We must not give up the rights granted to us as humans and as citizens of this country.

We cannot allow our faith in humanity to be dissolved and trampled upon by those who desire to oppress us, artificial intelligences nor the corrupt corporate media.

We January 6ERS are an inspirational motivation to the world at this point but we as a group still need your support because there are a many of us still not able to buy the amount of food needed to maintain our natural body weight, still have families in need of economic support and yes, we have children that also need and have even greater needs while we are here in prison, county jail or for many of us, awaiting trial or sentencing while in DC Jail. Please support us and know that your gift is a blessing.

Regardless, we need your help and assistance as I personally need your help and assistance to pay for my civil cases and my appeal. Also remember to please support a January 6er in prison. Biden and his oppressive governmental agencies have their heels on our necks but we must stand strong together as American Citizens and we even have united with others around the globe in the attempt to end this Democratic Socialist attempt at crushing our country’s culture, spirit and norms.

My fellow Americans and those that support us from nations abroad, we are fighting for the United States of America as those we inspire become visible with voice because of the way our representatives misuse our tax money and use it without our permission or knowledge. There are many issues brewing out there and we want only to get you to understand that “We The People” desire clarity, truth and honesty from our government. We were not wrong when it comes to January 6th, 2021 and video proves the provoking by the Washington DC Metropolitan Police Riot Control.

Readers, please petition for our immediate release and a change to the Department of Justice policies when it comes to the labeling inmates and also the sentencing standards. Spread the word about January 6th truths.

Tell the world that you will not stand with, nor for, those representatives that lie, cheat and steal from the American public and you, the public person who they are suppose to represent, will work with the ideals of MAGA to drain the swamp and stop those representatives from just using our federal tax money at their discression. Will you stand with us my fellow human, reader, and patriot.

Stand with America and free us from the ills of this political torture and political bias.

God bless America and each reader of this article. God bless and keep us keep us January 6ers safe.

We are not the criminals, we only want to voice the truth and demanded evidence if what we deemed true was not.

Please keep me in your prayers and stand with me as I continue the fight to save our “Freedom of the Press.”If you wish to support me and my love of the First Amendment, my appeals case, and/or my civil cases, please follow the link to read more about me and give what you can because I honestly need your support and your prayers.


The post J6 Political Hostage Darrell Neely Released From Prison After 3 Years Of Incarceration For Walking Around US Capitol Building on Jan. 6 appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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