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I’m stunned that my ‘entitled’ neighbour keeps stealing my parking space – I pay to keep it empty but they don’t care

A HOMEOWNER has labelled their neighbour ‘entitled’ for swiping her paid parking spot without asking.

A woman has taken to Reddit to vent her frustration over a neighbour’s audacious habit of parking in her designated spot without permission.

Newly built UK Homes with cars parked in driveways.
The woman took to reddit to seek advice on her ‘entitled neighbour’
She claims the neighbour continues to take her empty parking spot without permission

The woman, who doesn’t own a car but pays for the parking space as part of her housing rent, feels her rights are being blatantly disregarded.

She said: “I just moved and my neighbour started parking in my parking spot,

“My family doesn’t own a car, but it would be nice if people would ask anyway.”

She expressed her frustration over the assumption that just because the spot is often empty, it’s free for anyone to use.

She continued: “It kind of peeves me off because people assume because they don’t see something, that it’s not ever there,

“My sister’s ex and my boyfriend will drive over here and stay the night because we live far now.

“It grinds my gears knowing we can’t randomly do that when a car is in our paid designated parking spot.”

The issue escalated after the neighbour’s repeated use of her space, particularly on Mother’s Day and in the days following.

She added: “Now tonight they’re parking a third car in our parking spot – like why.

“Why do you have three cars now in a community that clearly gives you two. Why can’t you ask. I feel like it’ll be a regular thing now.”

Despite her growing annoyance, the woman admits she is hesitant to confront her neighbour.

She is currently dealing with another serious issue and fears that raising the parking dispute could negatively affect its outcome.

She claims the only reason they haven’t taken action is because “one of our neighbours called CPS on us due to arguing my sister did out in the parking lot.

“Now my mum and I are too scared to confront anyone to make us look even worse in this case that’s soon to be closed, and it’s awkward.”

Adding to the tension, the neighbor’s son, who initially seemed friendly, has allegedly allowed his friends to litter on their lawn and even stomp on it.

She added: “It annoys me a little more because her son (who was very nice to us moving here) has recently let his friends throw garbage into our front lawn and stomp on it.

“We did nothing to you guys, we just moved here and now your mum takes our extra parking space without just asking us.”

Reddit users were quick to offer advice and support. One suggested: “Every time a car parks in your spot that isn’t yours or a visitor’s, call for a tow and get cameras around your house.”

Another added: “Nah, call and get the car towed.”

A third user recommended: “Put one of those tire clamps on it. They won’t park there again.”

The woman’s story highlights the ongoing struggle many face in shared living spaces, where respect and communication between neighbours can often be in short supply.

Meanwhile, It seems parking is posing quite the neighbourly issue.

One fuming neighbour had to get creative as he shared his £2.49 hack to keep a man from parking on his property – though he may have taken it too far.

Elsewhere, a homeowner revealed the genius way she got revenge on a “neighbour from hell” who harassed her family over a silly parking row.

The bitter feud came to a head after the man next door called the cops on them for parking “backwards”.


What are your rights if somone is repeatedly blocking access with their vehicle?

  • You should always try and approach your neighbour in a calm manner first.
  • You can leave a note should you not be able to speak to them directly.
  • If a neighbour is parked on your driveway and this is part of your land, they are technically trespassing.
  • It is considered a criminal offence but there is no criminal law preventing someone from parking on your driveway.
  • Do not try and move the vehicle yourself because you will be responsible for any damages and have to pay for repairs
  • The courts have the jurisdiction to remove a car from the driveway for you if you choose to pursue a civil case for trespassing.

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