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Nigel Farage’s Westminster bid being undermined by his lack of local insight, says his Tory rival

NIGEL Farage’s Westminster bid is being undermined by his  lack of local insight, the Tory rival for his seat said last night.

And voters in  Clacton, Essex, said they still did not know whether the Reform leader would keep his promises if he won.

Nigel Farage’s Westminster bid is being undermined by his lack of local insight, said Giles Watling
Louis Wood
Tory rival Watling beat Mr Farage in South Thanet in 2015[/caption]

It comes after a racism storm led to three party staffers being sacked from canvassing.

A last-gasp Tory blitz on Clacton could see several of the party’s big-hitters arrive in a push to hold on to the traditionally blue seat.

Yesterday Craig Mackinlay, who beat Mr Farage in South Thanet in 2015, joined incumbent Tory Giles Watling to canvass voters.

Former actor Mr Watling, best known as vicar Oswald from TV sitcom Bread, conceded that Mr Farage had a lot of support but added:  “He’s not here every day, he doesn’t know the area.”

Two polls have shown Mr Farage nearly 30 points ahead but residents agree he is not in town enough.

Former Ukip backer Graham Bridger, 72, said Mr Farage had not yet won him over because he felt let down by his absences.

He said: “I like his ideas. He’d make a good prime minister but he’s got to prove himself.”

And in nearby Jaywick, Lyn Hutchins, 80, also said Mr Farage “had the right ideas” but his campaign was letting Labour get in with a huge majority.

She added: “The Tories are going to lose, and maybe not next year, but in a year or two, he will divert to the Conservatives and become the leader.”

Mr Watling, 71, added that he would quit politics if defeated by Mr Farage.

Muslim's rabbi rant

A TORY candidate and rabbi was branded “a snake” as he was accused    of backing child killers during  a visit to a mosque.

Rabbi Arnold Saunders was harangued by a Muslim who told him to condemn the killing of women and children in Gaza.

His accuser said: “We don’t want to engage with you justifiers of child killers. Then you come here and smile like a snake.” 

The candidate for Bury South was left shaken by the rant at the  mosque in Prestwich, Gtr Manchester.

The Campaign Against Antisemitism  said: “There is no excuse for the abuse.”

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