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Biden Has Record Fundraising Haul Following Debate With Trump

$26 million from grassroots donations, half of which were from first-time donors. Looks like the base isn't too concerned with all of that beltway pearl clutching demanding Joe Biden step down following the debate.

Here's more on that from The Hill:

President Biden’s campaign has raked in more than $33 million since his debate with former President Trump last week despite some backlash about his performance.

In an email on Sunday, a Biden campaign official said they had raised more than $33 million since Thursday’s debate, including $26 million from grassroots donations. This fundraising haul comes despite some Democrats’ concerns about Biden’s lackluster performance last week.

The campaign said that nearly half of its grassroots donations came from first-time donors in the 2024 election cycle, noting that Thursday was “our best grassroots fundraising day ever, while Friday was the second best.”

The official said they have more recurring donations at this point in the 2024 cycle than at the same time in 2020, which they said is “a major indicator of grassroots support and fundraising sustainability.”

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