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Horror moment lesbian couple are beaten by mob of ‘Middle Eastern men’ in ‘homophobic attack’ on birthday night out

THIS is the horrifying moment a lesbian couple were set upon by a mob after celebrating a birthday on a night out.

The two women were left with a broken nose, a chipped tooth, and several bruises and bumps to their heads following the alleged homophobic attack.

Facebook / Emma MacLean
A mob allegedly beat a lesbian couple after a celebratory night out[/caption]
Facebook / Emma MacLean
The couple received several injuries, including a broken nose, a chipped tooth and several bruises[/caption]
Facebook / Emma MacLean
The couple could feel every blow and are ‘extremely thankful’ that things weren’t worse[/caption]

Emma MacLean and her girlfriend Tori Hogan were celebrating Emma’s birthday in downtown Halifax, Canada when a mob of men allegedly made rude comments about their sexuality.

The alleged assault happened after Tori verbally confronted the group of 10 men over their ‘disgusting’ comments toward her partner Emma.

Emma described their attackers as ‘Middle Eastern believed to be from Syria’ aged between 18-25 on a Facebook post.

She said: “One particular individual, wearing a red shirt with a walking boot, initially made a sexually degrading comment to me.

“My partner Tori and this man got into a verbal altercation where this individual made several disgusting slurs, some being homophobic.

“Following this, the 7-10 men attacked me and my partner, throwing several punches and kicks to our faces, ribs, etc.

“The outcome of this attack has resulted in a broken nose, chipped tooth, several bruises and lumps on our head, faces, etc.

“We are extremely thankful that things were not worse.”

She then put the video of the attack on Facebook, with a plea to find the attackers as support for the couple came flooding in.

One person commented: “I’m so sorry this happened to you both! Sending lots of healing energy and hoping your story gets out there and you find those responsible.”

Another commented: “I’m so sorry this happened! That’s absolutely disgusting behaviour. I hope those sorry excuses for men are found and dealt with appropriately!”

Speaking to local media, Emma said she witnessed her partner Tori being pushed on a set of stairs.

She said: “I saw Tori being pushed on the stairs right in front of the BMO centre and they are cement stairs and she’s on her back.

“That’s when all the men start punching and kicking her.

“The fight or flight came in. I jumped on one of their backs and put him in a chokehold basically trying to restrain him.

“I felt punches and kicks and then I felt it on my nose and there was blood.

“I just thought this needs to stop now.

“I went to emerge the night of and they basically said it was too swollen for surgery.”

A bystander alerted police patrolling the area, but the encounter had ended by the time cops arrived.

According to Emma, police spoke with one of the men involved in the incident.

She said: “The officer said that one person stuck around to give their ID and claimed that we attacked them.

“He said the other people were not cooperative in giving their identification.”

Emma said the incident had left her ‘terrified’ to go downtown.

She said: “I just feel like it’s so out of your control on what could happen.

“It’s overwhelming. I didn’t expect something like this to happen, especially with it happening during pride month as well.”

Police told local news outlet CTV News the incident, which happened on June 22 is under investigation and no charges have been laid at this time.

Facebook / Emma MacLean
A video captured the moment the women were punched on the ground, it was then shared on Facebook.[/caption]
Facebook / Emma MacLean
Emma MacLean, right, and her girlfriend Tori, left, were assaulted by a group of men in downtown Halifax, Canada.[/caption]

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