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GOP House speaker shocked at idea we'd ever have 'crazy criminal' president

In case you were worried about the Supreme Court’s blank check to do presidential criming, never fear! Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson, a chief enabler of a certain criminal former president, is here to reassure Americans that there’s nothing to worry about because—get this—it’s not as if we’d ever have a president who is “prone to this kind of crazy criminal activity.”

Yeah. He said that.

Johnson had a good chuckle about the misplaced concerns of non-MAGA Americans during a Fox News interview with Kayleigh McEnany, the former mouthpiece for Donald Trump, on Monday. 

“There’s all sorts of hyperbole tonight, and this fantastical—these hypotheticals they’ve made up,” Johnson said. “Future presidents are going to turn into assassins, and all the rest. It’s madness.”

Hmmm. Where could anyone have gotten the idea that a president could turn into an assassin? Oh yes. From Trump attorney John Sauer, who told an appellate court during oral arguments in January that a president should be able to order SEAL Team Six to assassinate a political rival without fear of prosecution. Maybe that’s where the madness came from. 

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