News in English

Sunny and hot with dust spells

Wednesday will be mostly sunny with episodes of dust and temperatures rising to 39C in the interior, 35C on the south and east coasts, 33C on the north coast, and 29C on the west coast and in the higher mountains. Winds will initially be variable and light, up to 3 Beaufort, gradually turning south-to north-westerly, moderate to strong, up to 5 Beaufort. The sea will be slightly rough.

Overnight will be mostly clear with some increased low clouds and temperatures dropping to 23C in the interior, and on the south and east coasts, 21C on the west and north coasts, and 19C in the higher mountains. In the morning hours local mist or fog is expected. Winds will be south-to north-westerly, moderate, up to 4 Beaufort, later abating to weak, 3 Beaufort. The sea will be calm to slightly rough.

On Thursday, Friday and Saturday the weather will be remain clear. Temperatures will drop through Friday to fluctuate close to average for the season.

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